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cedarville university crazy rules

1st of all we agree to go to these strict schools. My marriage has lasted almost 11 years so far, I have no illegitimate children and I have never been an embarrassment to my husband. As we know from history, prohibition massively failed. No one is forcing anyone to attend those colleges/universities. But some schools, most especially those affiliated with the evangelical Christian movement in the United States, raise a number of extremely difficult questions with their adherence to a highly restrictive code of values. Their lives suck. Look at the corrupt Catholic Church, and look at how many pastors are child molesters. Free thinkers, thanks! But do you know which degree is still highly valuable? An upper classman lied and told the dean that I had looked at a male student in a sexual manner while walking home from chapel and was campused w/in the first weeks there. It is near 30,000 dollars a year, and Cedarville is not known for its great financial aid! The handbook gives the wrong message in this part; dancing is not allowed in groups if it is /suggestive or sultry./ They try to limit large dancing gatherings because they, of course, cannot monitor everyone to make sure they are following that rule. I agree strongly with Tara. Some are grounds for immediate expulsion, while others build up over time before a student can be dismissed. In addition, all students enrolled in 12 or more hours are required to attend at least one chapel event a week. In fact, Amos 9:14 says, I will restore the fortunes of my people Israel, and they shall rebuild the ruined cities and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and drink their wine, and they shall make gardens and eat their fruit.. He turned water into wine. -Sex (do I really need to explain?) L, 8-10. Ten. Reviewed: 9/28/2019. Openly homosexual students are allowed to attend classes, but they must commit themselves to the same standards of staunch chastity as their heterosexual peers. If, however, you only ensure that they grow up in an environment where these are banned, this only serves to increase their allure should they ever break free from the strict and dogmatic rules that you place to limit their actions. The difference is, God cares about the first and does not care about the second. But controlled and responsible use of alcoholwhich Christians too often forget was how Jesus approached alcoholshould not be limited because it has the mere potential to be used irresponsibly. Writing articles about what you disagree with regarding the university isnt really helpful to anyone. Shorts, sweatpants, and pajama pants should not be worn to class or chapel. Its not as strict as its portrayed here. This Florida institution takes its honor court very, very seriously going so far as to issue demerits for a number of completely legal offenses. Treating free-willed adults as if petulant children incapable of forging their own individual perceptions, decisions, and behaviors.. In other words, there is a difference between going out to drink with a friend who is an alcoholic and drinking in front of someone who is just offended by it. Going far beyond the usual, generally accepted standards of not breaking the law, acting in a disruptive or discourteous manner, and remaining honest in word, deed, and homework, they raise a number of fascinating moral and ethical questions regarding personal freedom. My daughter graduated from Asbury this year. These places really need to get it together, damn. They help stem the tide of STDs, date rape, the dangers of substance abuse, etc., On a related note, outright banning things often just makes them more appealing. Violations of these guidelines may result in dismissal. Students who engage in underage drinking or provide alcohol to underage individuals may be subject to legal sanctions in addition to University penalties. REUTERS/Dieu-Nalio Chery You heard about how bad these schools are from people who got kicked out? God bless. The last one about Liberty isnt even true. The school works to develop what God has put into someone, unlike schools like the Ohio State University, which declared to my entering class their goal to fail you in your first year. I often hang out in large groups without a chaperon at like 2am. Absolutely true! There are a couple Id like to flesh out. So if the rules dont work for you, dont go there. The specific guidelines included below are shaped by biblical principles, community preferences, and cultural expectations in terms of propriety and professionalism. Anyone caught in such a position faces discipline or dismissal. How about youth? when they prohibit homosexuality while prohibiting interaction with the opposite sex. Furthermore, the views expressed in this article certainly do not represent those of Cedarville University. It is a choice for the student to go there, they arent forced. Your paragraph on Oral Roberts University is inaccurate. Cedarvilles prohibition of alcohol simply diversifies students tactics to engage in the habits they will inevitably choose to form. you know, just as there are Christians who behave badly, there are secular women who have higher standards. I dont even go to church anywhere around campus. This biblical teaching, coupled with the reality that alcohol is addictive to many and that alcohol-related problems pose a major threat to college students, warrants wisdom concerning the use of alcohol. 8; Gal. However, no mention is made of men wearing very short shorts or tank tops that expose most of their upper body. She worked a part time job, attended church, volunteered at a local organization, was on a school team and carried a course load of 15 to 19 hours while maintaining a 3.8 GPA. I love the Godly atmosphere it gives, and completely disagree with you. Im an army vet who went into humanitarian work when I left the army, honorably. I have yet to understand why people go out of their way to attack our schools when the rules do not affect them in any way whatsoever. their own standards, and this writer makes fun of them as hopelessly pathetic. And its true men may not wear makeup. Its interesting how no one stops to consider how small their God & free will must be in order to need such standards. 31:30). To write that students are fully aware of the rules is a twist of the truth and reality. As our Cedarville University community processes this situation, we pray we would do so with humility, grace, mercy, integrity, civility, and respect. For this, I say thank you. go Michigan State! From my experience, most fundy kids figure this out a few years later than everyone else and finally start making decisions for themselves. And obviously the floor leader used her positions power to sexually abuse you. If they have agreed to attend the college, then they have agreed to live by the rules laid out by the college for the duration of their time there. Youre a different kind of stupid. I wonder if its the product of a fundamentalist Christian school (mine was formed at Catholic schools and cheering the murder of alleged gay people was never on the syllabus). Since Asbury, I dont believe that she has read one new such book. The second problem is that Cedarville seems oblivious to the fact that the same thing has happened at Cedarville. When you look at little children laughing, or animals playing, or men and women gathering together to talk and experience the presence of others, youre witnessing God at work. Cedarville University is an independent Baptist school located in Cedarville, Ohio, which teaches its academics "by Christian tradition" meaning, believing that their take on religion is the only right view, that free speech is a no-no, that gays are evil, that evolution is religion and creationism is science, that the bible is a history textbook and that any TV show/movie/video game/book . And this is coming from someone who was offered a full scholarship to Liberty U and refused (stricter than this article implies-Biology majors beware, as evolution isnt even a theory to them). By banning both entirely harmless things (eg violent movies) and more harmful things (eg smoking, alcohol without moderation) with the same strictness, these schools create an awful situation where students who have the intelligence and insight necessary to see that the ban on the harmless items is a load of rubbish may likewise think that the harmful things will be OK, too. I went to Asbury and had no issues. Lets see,,, marry a girl from a christian college who has conducted herself appropriately, has good manners, no baggage, no std`s, is modest and will make a good wife and mother. I went to PCC in the early 80s. Theres morality, and then theres this. If you honestly think that the way these colleges are conducting themselves and imposing religion upon students is a good thing, well then I dont know. The problems arise when we disregard our fellow believers who are of weaker conscience. If your God did these things (and science shows Sodom was the victim of a meteor strike, not magic) that makes your God evil and you should be ashamed to be promoting evil and defending the murder of gay people. This is one of the major reasons stated by Dr. White himself. Davenport. You are so used to being controlled that its normal or just easier to do what your are told. I was there when the movie came out, and I remember some other students calling me unspiritual because I chose not to watch the movie with them. Woah this blog is great i really like reading your posts. Perhaps they are harmless. All of which are traditional dances and (in my opinion) in no way put the dancers morality and purity at risk. Its your belief. In addition, attendance at parties, clubs, casinos, restaurants, and bars is expressly prohibited except when no alcohol is present. This, unfortunately is a perk of many religious institutions. Keep up the good work! If you want information about these schools, do your homework by going straight to the source. Students are also reminded that underage drinking violates federal law. I agree that dancing and such is probably a step to far, but the types of people who go to Christian colleges and the like are probably not as bothered by the restrictions you name. As a former student from 2010-2012, I can attest that convocation wasnt required, students could hang out in mixed groups on and off campus, and public signs of affection are commonplace, and Im not talking about hand-holding. We married after she graduated. Men may not grow their sideburns past their earlobes, have hair covering their ears, or keep moustaches beyond the corners of their mouths. The only strict rule they have is drinking and they wont kick you out if they find out you drank. Students struggling with drug or alcohol use may obtain confidential support at Counseling Services and University Medical Services. You sure do sound like the typical judgemental fundamentalist type that writes these student handbook! We are no worse off if we do not eat, and no better off if we do. Just like if we do a 270 double front flip on our jet ski, we are no better or worse off. It is not discouraged at all! Carson, writing for what is arguably Cedarvilles favorite theology blog The Gospel Coalition, writes, one should not confuse the logic of 1 Corinthians 8 with the stance that finds a strong legalist saying to a believer who thinks that eating meat offered to idols is acceptable, You may think that such action is legitimate, but every time you do it you are offending meand since you are not permitted to offend me, therefore you must not engage in that activity.. Forgery, providing incomplete or misleading information, scanning and not attending chapel, or misuse of your student ID card are examples of dishonesty that will result in discipline. -Pornography duh. I am a Christian, and I would never dream of doing something like that to someone. No video games may possess an M rating, nor are students allowed to own movies above the PG-13 rating. Drinking alcohol is certainly disputed between Christians with different opinions on it, but it is not a disputed doctrine. . Part-timers or those with special circumstances must do so on days when their classes do not begin until after noon. todays society are those who want to ban guns because they kill people, yet want to drink, smoke, and do whatever the hell they want because its there right. You make it out to seem way worse than it is. Like, in this example, students deciding its very unlikely that Oral Roberts raised the dead during his ministry, which would make their college named after a liar. Whether you are the religion these campuses represent or not. Rules above and beyond that can get in between us and God, but condoning behavior that goes against His ways is very dangerous. Which brings up the question Why go there if you dont fit? As Paul said, Be not drunk with wine, but we filled with the holy spirit. I walked away 15 years ago and still have not come back but there were many factors involved. Access Gmail. A church I was told to attend? Unfortunately, that will probably never happen for one simple reason: Cedarville is so concerned with their image that they are more willing to treat their students like children than follow actual Biblical principles. Just my humble, unbiased opinion; take it or leave it. Thats how many of those regulations mentioned in the synopsis I broke while attending the sixth college on this list. I do not see why people judge these schools so harshly as a non-christian I still think that these colleges are not wrong. Thanks for the timely reminder of how far weve come. You can view it here. Honesty, refraining from causing harm to others, community, and staying within the laws of the home country all remain relatively reasonable and universal codes that give students structure while still preserving their individuality and bolstering their character. To create a healthy environment for our students, and in some cases to comply with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, Public Law 101-226, Cedarville University adheres to the following guidelines for all undergraduate students and graduate students enrolled in degree programs on campus, including those students who do not live in campus housing. And of course, students can meet ANYWHERE else on or off campus whenever they want. The biggest problem I have with the article is the lack of references to sources to support the claims that are made. Certainly they are more strict and arbitrary in their rules than some of the schools here. I accumulated more than 100 demerits during my first year and because of this, they did not allow to me to return the following year. While most schools understandably discourage nationally illegal activities involving drugs or underage drinking, Pensacola Christian College outlaws perfectly legal ones such as gambling, possession of pornography, dancing, swearing, smoking tobacco, and even patronizing movie theatres. Extremely vulgar!!! I will be praying for you and I pray that God works in your life and makes you realize that saying nasty words about something is not going to take away the scars of what someone did to you, or the anger that results from it. For any college that you are considering, know before you go. NOT even accurate. I know people are given the choice/make the decision to attend these schools, but they just sound so old-fashioned and boring. All mixed groups of men and women both on and off campus require the presence of a chaperone to intercede on any behaviors they deem offensive to their conservative sensibilities. degree, but never got it. Most schools understandably want their students to stay away from breaking the law or acting inconsiderately towards others but Ozark Christian College also places tight regulations on legal activities as well. The college actually will accept you no matter whatever religion you are, even if you are atheist. Unfortunately, 1 Corinthians 8 is the famous and ever-taken-out-of-context passage used by Christians to justify substituting their convictions for Biblical truths. You understand, a lot of people are hunting round for this information, you could help them greatly. Sure, we get frustrated with the rules, but the vast majority of the time, we are too busy to really notice or care. Institutions promoting morality in an immoral society. Not sure why you find prohibition of Occult practices to be a bad thing for those attending a Christian university. Evansville, IN Deaconess Sports Park. Third, many of these rules ban things that arent dangerous (eg dancing, scary or violent movies, and sex so long as the people involved know what they are doing and all proper precautions are used) and that are a lot of fun. In conclusion, I dont think that students are better off if they go to these schools, and I would not encourage anyone to do so. Students are not permitted to attend parties where alcohol is being used in a manner that violates University standards. However, I dont think its wrong for students to want change and to disagree with them, especially when it comes to injustices such as in the mental health article. Thats whats up. Theyre not going to hunt you down or anything. Honestly, this is lazy journalism. Furthermore, students may be dismissed if they attend a party where alcohol is present, whether or not the student makes what the University would deem wise choices by avoiding drinking. 20:1; Prov. Religion is a choice not a punishment and certainly it is not a requirement if I am not mistaken by my own logic as well as using the bible as a reference would God really want you to be FORCED and REQUIRED to worship him in the ways others want you too? Contact our experts to see if you're a good candidate for our top MBA programs all our programs are accredited by AACSB! Any student requiring a personal care attendant because of a physical disability is responsible for making such arrangements. Folk dancing? Cedarville goes far beyond regulations mandated in the DFSC Act by attempting to regulate the daily lives of their students whether on or off campus. If you make it conform to Biblical principles, it will be considered politically incorrect, and will be shut down as soon as possible. So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. Cedarville University is a Christian university located in Cedarville, Ohio. Every college and university around the world expects its students to uphold certain standards. i really hope if youre not saved that this eats away at your consciene soo much that you cant live like that anymore and come to a saving knowledge of Jesus ChristJohn 3:16- For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in him should NOT perish, but have everlasting lifeso it doesnt matter who you are, what youve done or whatever you case is, God wants to and will save you if you only call on His name. Cedarville ought to take this Biblical message to heart and change their policies to allow responsible use of alcohol. Go figure. Adding onto my last post you must have been reading a 40 year old manual when you wrote this stuff about Asbury. Im not a Christian and yet I do not have pictures pasted on the internet of myself drunk and naked I dont even use Facebook or alcohol. This is EXTREMELY uninformed. They are private institutions and can set their own policies. Most of my serious infractions involved demerits for not emptying the trash, not having two feet on the floor at morning light bell, hair touching my eyebrows and humming along to my roommate playing Dust in the Wind on his guitar. let me spell it out for you PROSELYTISM. Most are Christians, majority of them from teh south and alot of them are athletes. I dont know what they are trying to prove by stating the fact that The Passion was rated R for violence in their description. However, while I appreciate the desire to have a biblically based view on alcohol, I do believe this article misses the heart behind the rule of abstaining from alcohol while being a student at Cedarville.

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