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eros conjunct vesta synastry

Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. One thing the vestal virgin’s would do was provide therapy in the form of herbalism, hands-on healing, and sexual healing to soldiers returning from war and conquest. The imagination expands and creative inspiration comes naturally. Valentine’s day is approaching and Mars will enter sensual Taurus, involving Venusian themes to this tie of year. Eros/Uranus — It is felt with a spark. Heart Electricity Is Stronger Than Brain Voltage. Excellent article! sign capricorn – house 8 (me) and 3 (he). google_ad_slot = "8224626623"; If you don't, you will get drained and sick. Eros and Psyche were mythical lovers, and were brought together by fate. Thank you-. My Juno in Libra is Conjunct a Libra mans Juno Saturn Conjunction. JUNO and PALLAS conjunct VENUS and EROS - a JUNO conjunction matters a lot, it dramatically increases attraction when it aspects his VENUS and EROS. I’ll just say it seems to have an effect on *his* energy as well, in terms of his intense (and consistent) attraction to me. Eros sees Jupiter as their confidant and trusts them. I suppose a Vesta/Sun conjunction would make Vesta very significant in my chart. Eros-North Node: My ex boyfriend and I had this aspect in synastry, and boy was it hot! . In fact, the two of them had to go through significant lengths just to be together. Interestingly, we don’t really have many great aspects synastry-wise. Neptune will feel empowered by Eros, who will contribute to some aspects of delusion if both parties persist on seeing things through unrealistic lenses. This asteroid is named after the virginal goddess of the hearth fire, and gets lost in the rush to find juicier interaspects. The natives both learn to evolve from simple minded desires and they seek new ways to grow and love. People with personal planets aspecting Jupiter (especially conjunct) or Jupiter in the 1st/7th/10th house are usually are or seen as really awesome and are liked because of it. His nodes are in wide conjunct. Eros is nevertheless attracted to the Saturn person’s stability and maturity. Please let me know if you’re looking for a article author for your weblog. Eros represents our passionate and erotic energy and how we use it. This is an excellent aspect for a relationship because it helps to keep the attraction lasting. Any insight on Eros opposite Psyche? If you ever want to take some of the load off, I’d love to write some articles for your blog in exchange Passions might need to be controlled with this placement, since Jupiter can act like a drug for Eros. They might feel blinded to the truths and will persist on with their beliefs. I’ve found that the Eros person has a “crush” on the planet person. This is a list of the 88 Soulmate Links in Astrology – they are scanned for and delineated in the Soulmating Astrology report, available here.. Don’t be disheartened if you and the person of your interest have only a few. The Eros person finds the Psyche beautiful, not only on the outside, but on the inside, as well; Eros loves Psyche for her soul. This is a bond that may seem magical and unbreakable. Eros-Uranus: This connection is electric and exciting. Change ). The square indicates attraction, but at the same time, friction and frustration. Please shoot me an email Vesta is of special importance to "old souls" who have a sense of mission and purpose, who "hold the space" or "create a context" for what is of great value. I still don’t think we fully discovered one another sexually, even after all that time. You find each other fascinating, frustrating, and intriguing–all at the same time! This is a union that motivates Eros to express themselves and show their desires. February 1, 2019. When someone’s planet touches our natal Eros in synastry, it is as if we have been stuck by Cupid’s arrow. Juno was the wife of Jupiter. Perhaps the Eros finds the Saturn person erotic in a “father figure” or authoritarian sort of way. Just by being him/herself, the Sun person stimulates the Eros person’s sexual desires and need for intimacy. 9.Eros Conjunct the NN. if interested. There is a subtle ache with this placement that feels like a dreamlike fantasy is being lived through by both. In synastry, Psyche contacts describe points of intuitive knowing—and understanding—or total lack thereof—between individuals. It’s pretty intense and it would depend on the sign. A roller coaster of emotions, the feelings of chaos and the desires that are pushed to the surface. They are able to express their desire because the sun sheds some light on the thoughts of Eros. Nevertheless, the Eros person’s erotic feelings are stimulated, and the desire is strong. I was wrong. Eros carves their presence in the mind of Uranus, making them lust for them as time goes on. Often, the individual oozes sexuality in some way. PATTERN COMPLETION in synastry 12. The trine and sextile are pleasing and harmonious, but the connection is not as intense as it is with the hard aspects. We enter the month of February, with lust, love and passion. Eros is very drawn to the Venus person’s grace, charm, and beauty, and deeply desires intimacy with them. Venus is how we are when… Interestingly, on September 24, 2004, she will conjunct Eros at 3 degrees of Cancer. Look to Eros for mutual passions, erotic connections, and obsessions in the relationship, for example. Mars conjunct Venus is super attraction. It is desire, it is passion and love. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Eros and Psyche were mythical lovers, and were brought together by fate. The Eros person may feel that the Saturn person refuses to accept the attraction they have for the Eros person. My husband’s Mars is *exactly* conjunct my 7H Eros in Pisces. astroladyconsultations@gmail.com. Isn’t that strange? It has been a remarkable meeting. Eros-Neptune: This connection is both erotic and dreamy. i’m just having a hard time figuring out how to calculate the aspects. ( Log Out /  Lessons here will be learned and carried on by both parties. Can you include a delineation for eros-eros aspects? To feel such a strong emotional bond to someone I’ve never met, and someone whom I’m not even sure I’d get along with if we did meet. It’s kind of a vicious, annoying circle. It would be pure folly for me to even try to provide any information regarding Juno-conjunct Lilith in a synastry chart without knowing more details. This is an aspect that can allow for both parties to share without holding back. Eros/Sun – Eros feels comfortable with the energy of the Sun. ( Log Out /  Eros-South Node: This is a highly significant aspect. Eros and Psyche were mythical lovers, and were brought together by fate. His Eros conjuncts my moon, neptune, NN & descendent; oppose my ascendent, venus & south node; trine my jupiter & psyche; sextile my pluto; and square my mars. Eros/Mercury — When these two forces unite, they will feel a strong connection through communicating. I think it was a transit making me feel crazy. Psyche is a deep soul understanding. Eros in Synastry seems appropriate to discuss for this time of year. She was discovered on September 24, 1935. The feeling, I think, can again be amplified by the knowledge that nothing could ever come from such a crush. The opposition and square would have the attraction but the element of fighting, but it would be fighting with that sexual edge. Eros thrills, scares and creates intense bonds. ( Log Out /  This shows how the people interact and relate with eachother. He will barely touch me and turns me on. I’m male and straight and my Eros is at 01°11′ Pisces. I’m feeling quite pathetic about it, really, and would never admit to this obsession even if you throw me in a courtroom with a judge and jury of my peers. even. It is like boy sees girl across the room and cupid’s arrow hits boy and girl and cartoon hearts come forth. Trust grows with time and acceptance as well. Him and I were drawn together like magnets. The attraction is magnetic and irresistible, and the couple might experience dramatic highs and lows throughout their relationship, due to the intensity of feelings involved. Juno represents how we are in committed relationships, not necessarily marriage but just commitment in general. Does it give the same type of energy similar to a sextile? Eros-Pluto: This is a great aspect, as both Eros and Pluto seek the same things when it comes to relationships: intensity, transformation, and a high level of intimacy. The Asteroid Eros represents erotic love. (in which case, Psyche & Psyche in the same sign… I can’t help thinking they might be the equivalent of same-sex relationship dynamics… Psyche x2 might be like a lesbian Love-Affair, and Erosx2, like gay men!). I always felt the sex was getting better and better, even after four years! I dont know if our union will last because I always feel its too good to be true but this stuff must be true because we are all over each other. Juno in Synastry has been another point of fascination for me since I’m diving into the Synastry realm. It is generally thought that when your Eros makes an aspect to another person’s planet or point, you have a big crush on that person, and may even feel obsessed with them. Our relationship was highly sexual, and we learned a lot from one another in this department. The attraction between us was intense right from the beginning, especially on his part. 7.Lust Conjunct the NN. What if someone’s Eros Biquintile my ASC? Eros-Sun: This relationship will serve to help each person discover their erotic sides. The sex is very satisfying for the both of you. So I have been wondering where the intense sexual chemistry was coming from. how about EROS conj EROS? Vesta Aspecting Mars: The harmonious aspects (conjunction, sextile and trine) show increased ability to focus one's energy, especially on work. Words heal, empower and intrigue. I noticed you elected to exclude Eros-Mercury synastry; guess that doesn’t seem like it has erotic potential but from our first contact he’s been confessing his sexual conquests to me — in detail. Asteroid Lust, Sappho, Galatea, Adonis, Apollo, Aphrodite, or Vesta, in very close aspect to another's sexual planet's or asteroids. The Psyche person may have dreamed of the Eros person before they even met. The Sun person feels more alive and energetic around the Eros person, as Eros puts the Sun person in touch with their most erotic, taboo desires. Here we have an accepting and compassionate relationship. Eros, god of erotic love, represents the principle of passionate desire. Passionate and trusting, not clouded in dark desire but tends to promote good intentions. A variation of planets/L.A. The Uranus person opens the Eros person’s mind to a variety of sexual possibilities. for a link back to mine. This connection involves patience and respect. Eros square Ascendant: The Eros person is very attracted to the Ascendant person, yet may at the same time feel that the Eros person is very different than who they are generally attracted to. But you forgot Eros-Mercury… how does that play out in synastry? Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. ( Log Out /  Eros Synastry Aspects: The asteroid, Eros, represents erotic love, sex, passion and intimacy. We are one of the best sexual partners we’ve had because it’s not just physical, but emotional as well even though we’ve not progressed to the stage of love, but emotionally we clicked, and sexually we exploded. 10. Interesting. Valentine- (447)-– Valentine is the kind of sacrificial love in which the lover will throw himself … There is a sense of competitiveness, ambition and demand that may or may not sit well with the merging attributed of the god of love. The story of Eros and Psyche is one of deep and transformative love, but their union was not devoid of hardship. Eros would help to keep the attraction in the relationship. ( Log Out /  At the same time, Eros may feel disappointed when Uranus seems distant and hard to reach, as Eros desires complete intimacy and erotic merging with the Uranus person. Eros in Synastry but focusing on the easy aspects such as Trines, Sextiles and Conjunctions. I have Eros and Psyche in the same sign (Aquarius), so if Psyche is involved, Eros is involved, and vice versa. In the mentioned synastry his Vesta is trine his NN and both are trine my Vesta and Venus, and my Uranus is opposite his Vesta; I think that the fact t hat there are multiple planets involved with a fairly tight orb may strengthen the aspect. Eros is erotic love. Such that both our moons and eros’ are in sextile to each other. Kudos! The story of Eros and Psyche is one of deep and transformative love, but their union was not devoid of hardship. You can be committed without taking the next steps. The many hardships the couple will endure will only draw them closer together. When this aspect shows up in synastry, the relationship is bound to be significant in both their lives, but their relationship may not always be easy. what about eros conjunct eros with less of 1 degree? The Moon person is deeply turned on by the Eros person’s intensity and sexual charisma. Both parties feel connected and it can even grant them devoted love. According to a study, certain Juno aspects were commonly found in the synastry charts of married couples, including: Juno conjunct North Node, Juno conjunct Juno, Juno trine Venus, and Juno trine Mars. I have a friend with pluto opposing a venus/mars conjunction and she just turns me on to no end. In fact, the two of them had to go through significant lengths just to be together. Eros is happy to have such an open-minded and generous lover. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Eros-Descendant: The Eros person is irresistibly attracted to the Descendant person, while the Descendant person feels the Eros person is the lover of their dreams. (All Aries) My Venus is conjunct both Vestas at 2 degrees. I’ve heard all his seductions and conquests from high school forward to this day — either by oral storytelling or long written emails. ------------------How will Jupiter in Sagittarius affect us and you personally? Eros in Synastry. Look … Also those two have a square with juno/jupiter which are also conjunct in the 8th house. I always felt there was so much more to experience with him, and he felt the same way (possibly even more me!). This is a lovely connection, since it helps to grow the love that both share for each other. Vesta Aspecting Jupiter: Jupiter dedicated, where we can focus our energies to the greatest 10th house rules the "boss" as well. Venus will be in the sign of Capricorn; a Venus sign I find to be underrated, since Capricorn represents stability and commitment. The residue follows them even after it all ends. If they are conjunct in synastry, a soul mate connection is indicated. Anybody interested in an experiment? Is that in one of the reports you offer? Vesta/planet contacts in synastry are often overlooked. I am starting to realize that it is becoming like an obsession, though I’m not proud of it (maybe that’s due to my mostly earth chart?). While the potential for growth is repressed with this aspect, it is nevertheless a very satisfying and magnetic connection. This is a highly obsessive and explosive union. Enter Eros. Pink is Opposites Attract! The conjunction is the most potent aspect, followed by the opposition. If they are conjunct in synastry, a soul mate connection is indicated. I would love to know what orb you use.. can lose conj. the trine would be the same easy attraction. How does Eros fit into your synastry? In fact, the two of them had to go through significant lengths just to be together. The Eros person stimulates the Neptune person’s sexual fantasies, and Eros is drawn to Neptune’s compassionate nature. It is possible that the Moon encourages Eros to express themselves through creative venues. The relationship feels ignited when these two come together. Eros-Mars: This is one of my favorite Eros aspects! I haven’t been able to find any info on the quintile/bi-quintile in synastry. LOL. As it turns out,our moons and eros’ are basically switched. ( Log Out /  So, I guess that’s a manifestation of Eros-Mercury. There is the potential to take things to another realm when the aspects are favorable. This is great read, thanks so much! Eros/Eros* — Explosive since there could be a lot in common between the two. Look to Psyche for intuitive connections. The god of erotic love meets the planet of sex! The two will enjoy exploring sexual taboos with one another. not understanding anything fully, but this article gives pleasant understanding And her moon is conjunct *my* eros. 9.Eros Conjunct the NN. This is an indicator of an intense attraction. Fear is not an option, instead they each promote the evolution of the self. Eros/Chiron — Eros grows and heals with Chiron and vice versa. Ascendant-Vertex: When someone’s Vertex is conjunct your Ascendant, your Vertex is conjunct their Ascendant. Eros-Psyche: Eros and Psyche are natural mates.

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