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female betta fish tank mates

Hi, I have a fish tank, 2 & 1/2 gallons with one male betta in it. If the male is building a nest it’s a sign that they are healthy enough to mate. Female Betta Tank Mates Female Bettas are typically less aggressive and territorial than their male counterparts. Cleaning frequency depends on the size of the tank you eventually get. After adding a companion to the same tank, monitor for signs of stress in your betta and the other companions over several days. Do you think he would be okay with some other fish in a 10 gallon? Any tankmates you recommend? Plenty of room, however I would add more than 2 ghost shrimp as they do better in larger groups. Level: Beginner-Medium* Hi, I own a 60L tank with 1 male betta, 4 female bettas, 4 albino corydoras and 1pleco, not sure if it is clown or common, but I’ve had it for 5months now and its not bigger than 2inches. My Male Veil Tail Betta is housed in a 55 gallon community tank with many different fish, including fancy guppies, and everyone lives together peacefully. Color: Neon Silver-Blue with a Red Neon Stripe In short, yes they can, but be prepared to monitor closely how they react together. I couldn’t find anything online that said male Bettas and koi fish couldn’t be together. Thanks again for all the other great betta info you have here, I like to learn as much as I can! 2 years ago. Female betta tankmates need to classified the same way. Also, read the plant page for recommendations there, and that would make a nice 10 gallon. Bettas usually need Betta food, so just buying flakes for the other fish is a good idea. They can grow up to 1.5 inches in length and live for 1 to 1.5 years with proper care. My betta tank is at 78 degrees, some people keep them at 80. Add Plants and décor. In the pet stores their tanks hold quite a lot of fish at one time and they seem to do fine. Even if you do everything right, there’s no guarantee your betta won’t become an aggressor or a victim. When I first started keeping tropical fish, I tried to find good betta tank mates. It sounds like your betta is being stressed a lot and forced to stay in one area. Snails like to hide and can create a big mess too in smaller tanks. Average Lifespans. Are there other types of rasboras/tetras that bettas can get along with? Discus Fish Ultimate Care Guide: The King Of The Aquarium? Scientific Name: Hymenochirus Boettgeri Sometimes it looks like it’s just a chasing game and can be comical. This allows for more fish to be kept in the tank as well as slightly larger fish. This is known as a community tank and can house more than two kinds of species. I watch closely just in case one of them gets hurt. Thanks so much! It’s great to hear someone taking such good care of Betta fish! Yes, you can turn off the filter while you feed Taz. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-box-3','ezslot_15',110,'0','0']));The Betta, or Siamese fighting fish, is one of the most popular fish in the aquarium hobby. Female bettas are also aggressive, territorial, and unpredictable at times so it’s important to monitor behavior and provide plenty of hiding spots. I appreciate the informative site here for bettas, thank you and well done. Level: Beginner-Advanced Have an exile tank and net ready should anything go wrong. You’ll love watching them navigate around the tank, using their siphon for air at the surface, and watching their tentacles meander around. This section will cover any non-fish inhabitants that with make the best tank mates for both male and female Betta. I have plants in all and some has merimo ball and carpet. Everything in a pet store should be considered temporary housing until it finds a good home. Long-finned species are not recommended as they will easily be mistaken for another male fighting fish and will likely be killed.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_20',116,'0','0'])); Any small shoaling fish which are not brightly colored would make great tank mates for male Bettas, here is a list of fish which meet these criteria: Fish which occupy a separate area to Bettas are also an excellent choice – these bottom dwellers would be perfect as they will not invade the Betta’s territory: Adding plants to the aquarium will increase the habitat’s complexity which has been proven to reduce aggression. He has a heater and filter with plenty of fake plants and props to swim in and out of and rest on. However, it’s extremely important that you introduce a female betta to another female betta, and not to a male as this will cause fatal problems. Color: Green The idea would be that they breed in the vegetation and the betta (and other fish) would eat them and keep the numbers down. What tank mates can I add to my Betta sorority in a 10g I was thinking maybe 4 Cory’s and 4-6 neon Tetra What do you guys think I should do? Best not to house them together regardless of the tank size. African dwarf frogs are excellent betta tank mates too because of their peaceful personalities. A 10 gallon aquarium is the smallest we would recommend for keeping Bettas with other fish. My aquarium has been unused for too long and I’m thinking of starting it up again and getting some new fish. That’s the correlation there but you are correct in that activity level can be a sign of health and happiness too. Please check your facts. ), I have a five-gallon tank that is established and planted. The water in a betta fish's tank should be kept between 75 to 86 Fahrenheit. Level: Beginner B. A larger tank 10+ gallons will change a lot, however, especially if you have enough hiding spaces and plants (live or fake). Some of it would have made a big difference when I had my betta several years ago. Scientific Name: Thalassinidea This allows for more freedom when choosing their tank mates. (also I regularly test my water parameters, know to quarantine new fish and plants, and know to cycle my tank before adding any fish… What Do Snails Eat: In the Wild and as Pets, If you are new to the aquarium hobby, Platy fish are the fish for you. I had recently gotten 4 females. The Clown Pleco is the dwarf member of the species making it a suitable tank mate at a maximum length of around 4 inches. I am definitely adding 2 more females two expand the group. This may include lack of appetite, visible wounds (e.g. We would not recommend that a Betta is kept with any other fish species in a tank this small. All comments are moderated and will not be visible until they are approved. Thanks, Robert. Would either or both be appropriate for this small of a tank? If you do want some tank mates, you could add some non-fish inhabitants like snails or shrimp. The Betta is still able to swim completely around the tank, even on the shallow end, so he’s not losing any swim space. Throughout history, the betta fish or Siamese fighting fish was continuously bred for … When setting up an aquarium to house both Bettas and other species, it is best to add the other fish first to allow them to establish their set territories for a few weeks prior to adding the Betta. The answer: Yes your Betta Fish can have tank mates, but you need to be careful or the tank mates might wind up as lunch for your Betta! Right now i have him and two of the corys (one of the three died) in a 2 and half gallon bowl. To start then moving them to my community tank 55 gal. They have a mutual relationship most of the time but sometimes they will rest on the same leaf together! Would a Mickey Mouse Platy be an ok tankmate? Misty. All comments are moderated before going live. Also, guppies prefer to be in schools to feel most safe which would require you to have a large tank. Thanks for the compliments Dianna, and that’s great you’re looking into getting a betta. They do best in larger groups of 5 or 6, and that’s what their official recommend care guidelines are. For a 3.4 gallon tank, I wouldn’t add anything except for one betta fish, the 5 gallons should only house a betta fish and maybe a snail or marimo moss ball. The power on the filter creates a lot of current and down force which in return makes him only swim in the front area and his food to be constantly pushed down and stuck to the plants which he wont eat. I’m not sure if he would be considered aggressive or not…. Betta fathers nest and care for their offspring while the mothers don’t participate. Because of their aggressive nature, these fish should not be housed with slow moving species with large fins that could easily be mistaken for a Betta too. While companions aren’t required, they can add extra viewing pleasure and experience in the hobby. They are faster than apple/mystery snails and tend to be hardier and live longer. This is good if you have aggressive females they would not identify a specific target for attack. I was looking through the fish on this site to give Cas some friends and I wanted to put in a mystery snail, 2-3 ghost shrimp, and 6-8 tetras (I haven’t decided which type yet), is this too much? Do you have any suggestions? When they were still there my betta (Taz) was happy swimming around but recently ive noticed the ends of his fins clumping together. I am going to also add a nerite snail as they cannot reproduce well in fresh water, and will most likely not eat plants. I have a ten-gallon tank and I want to get some buddies for my male betta fish. Thanks! Fiddler crabs need aquarium or marine salt too and like to climb out of tanks a lot, not to mention they need shallow water and the ability to get onto land surfaces too. As you know, they’re called Siamese Fighting Fish for a reason! Thanks Eric, and there are many different variations of snails that are okay to live with a betta. I have cherry barbs and they’re fine with my Betta, they are a shoaling fish so 6 ARE needed at least. A. Betta fish in the video are from the same brood and have been raised together as juveniles. I have a 9 gallons, 5 gallons and 3.4 gallons. Snails don’t get enough credit for being as cool as they are! For a 60L/15Gallon tank, I’d say you are already well-over the maximum bioload of inhabitants that I’d recommend. I find mixed answers on the latter. Level: Beginner Keeping betta fish with other kinds of fish can be tricky unless you know what you’re getting yourself into. Remember, this is just my opinion and experience so do some research, maybe I’m just lucky… My Betta has been building a bubble nest for awhile now, so at least I know that he’s happy in there! Upto 2 inches . Since they stick in a group, one individual is unlikely to be picked on repeatedly. But, my Betta will sometimes nip at my oto. Bettas also need to get to the surface for air, creating potential territorial issues. I’ve been told they need 1/2 a gallon per fish. Misty. I read and hear a lot about how many fish are to be kept in a home tank depending on the size of tank. As I had many house plants, to “clean” the tanks, I would use a turkey baster to suck water and yuck from each tank and water the plants with it .. the plants loved it. I have a Half Moon Red and Blue Betta named Mory, and one small very active white snail named Flash. I have a male Crowntail Betta and a male Gold Claw Fiddler living harmoniously in a 5 gallon filtered tank for over 7 months now. By Courtney, 2 years ago on Tropical Fish. The Betta is a fish with lots of vibrant colors so when selecting tank mates to keep with male bettas or female bettas in a community, you’ll want to provide Fish that are not aggressive and don’t have any long fins or colors that may intimidate the males. 3. Your email address will not be published. Female Bettas can work well in a peaceful community if you choose the right tank mates. I’m planning on getting a male beta and some tetras (or maybe rasboras) for a 10 gallon tank, and I was wondering exactly how many tankmates I should get? He also gets commercial Betta flakes but obviously prefers the worms, and, jerking that little wiggly thing from my fingers makes him feel all macho & “flarey”…..little fishy-BIG STUFF!! Whilst females are less aggressive than males, this depends on each fish as they can still be aggressive and territorial. Try out 4-5 of them. Whatever the case, 4 Ghost shrimp aren’t going to add a whole lot to the bioload, ime. Avoid tank mates with bright coloring and long fins. Not only will you learn tons more about all the fish already listed, but you’ll also learn about 35 MORE tank mates you can keep with your betta! Building a bubble nest doesn’t necessarily mean they are happy they do it for breeding. I really appreciate all the information here. It has an incredibly peaceful nature and along with its small size makes it a perfect tank mate to Betta fish. I didn’t know much about female betta… Feel so stupid. He would just flare up and swim around it but not like he use to. What about danios, platies, or female swordtails? Level: Beginner-Advanced Make sure you have a lot of hiding places (plants, decor) and monitor closely. Color: Females are grey, while males have spots and brighter hues of color By: Alina Andreeva. Platies should be fine, but just a reminder that all situations are unique and so are the personalities of bettas. Do they need a full gallon per fish? A 10 gallon aquarium will provide plenty of space to add other fish with your Betta.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_19',120,'0','0'])); It should be set up in a way that will provide enough hiding spaces for the tank mates. This fighting instinct has never gone away, even for those bred in captivity. Neon tetras are fascinating to watch as they swim together and navigate about the tank looking for food or safety. Thanks. 1. Tank Size: 10-Gallons or More. Spring water with a pH of around 7 is much better, or conditioned tap water. Live or silk plants, rocks, and driftwood provide excellent hiding places for fish that are shy or bullied. An aquarium of 30 gallons would be the minimum recommended size for keeping a sorority of Bettas in a community setting. His back fin is split in two now. They make fantastic betta fish companions. Author: Alina Andreeva. Avoid tank mates with long, flowing fins or species known to be semi-aggressive or nippy, such as Tiger Barbs. Affiliate Disclosure Betta Care Fish Guide is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Tank Size: 10-Gallons or More. As for the marine salt, you can still add some for the Fiddler just not nearly the recommended amount or the Betta will die. He is in a 10 gallon tank with three bottom feeders. A sorority is a community tank of female betta fish with 5 or more members. When it comes to population, it is best to keep three guppies and one betta in a 10-gallon aquarium. There are lots of different kinds of Betta fish that have different shapes and patterns, they can even come with an iridescent and metallic sheen.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-banner-1','ezslot_8',112,'0','0'])); Throughout this article we will share with you the best Betta tank mates for all different types of tank setups. All new tank mates must require similar water parameters. For filter recommendations check out the article in the FAQ section. If yours is very aggressive with its reflection and food etc then I wouldn’t risk it. Would he get along ok with a Fiddler/Red Claw crab? Betta Fish Tank Mates. This species is also very peaceful, adding an additional quality to coexistence with the betta splenden. It’s possible, yes, that your betta fish is too territorial for tank mates. The 1-gallon per 1-inch of fish is a general rule of thumb, and is very helpful for beginners to not overcrowd their habitats and induce stress and dirty water. Here are some that would be perfect: Shoaling and fast swimming species are also a good choice for the tank. Scientific Name: Poecilia Reticulata The fish you choose should meet the same criteria as described earlier. .large-mobile-banner-2-multi{display:block !important;float:none;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:15px !important;min-height:400px;min-width:580px;text-align:center !important;}eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_13',117,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_14',117,'0','1'])); A Betta sorority is a tank which contains at least 5 female Betta fish. This will give them plenty of space for necessary activity.

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