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how to wrap sage for smudging

Its cleansing and purifying power is enormous. Herbs were burned in ancient Egypt, and the practice is recorded and documented in a tablet inscription that has been dated back to 1500 b.c.e. Privacy Policy Jul 9, 2020 - Explore Jacqueline A. Thomas's board "wrapping sage bundles", followed by 121 people on Pinterest. ], Does Smudging Kill Germs? Smoke attaches itself … Wrap the remaining length of string around the base of the branches several times to secure it. You want to make sure to … Smudging, or burning dried herbs, is a ritual that has been around for centuries. Make a simple loose knot on one end of the string, tighten it around the stems, and bind the bundle together. Learn Religions uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. "If you are just getting started, you can find a sage … Stop burning immediately if you notice a reaction to the herbs that were used. Terms of Use What’s going on that is generating negative energy? Traditionally, it was used for healing rituals. For more leafy plants, you can make the pieces shorter, but you may want to use a longer piece for a plant that has fewer leaves. To purify, protect, and refresh the energy around you. [Which Herbs To Pick? Fumigation has millenary origins. Then, stand by your front door with a bundle of white sage, ideally one … Snip herbs at the base of the stem. Gather your fresh herbs, with the stems as flush as possible to the bottom of your hand. With the long end of the … Steps to Make a Floral Sage Bundle. It’s not just for hippies either- read on to find out how to smudge and why you should try burning smudge sticks in your house today!. Black sage comes from a plant that grows along the mountains that stretch from western California to British Columbia. Put several branches together so that the cut ends are all together, and the leafy ends are all together. Wrap the remaining length of string around the base of the branches several times to secure it. The man was the earth and the union of all the ingredients formed the fifth element, the spirit. Then, wrap the cord … Many eastern spiritual systems, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Shinto, utilize burning herbs – either loose or as compacted incense – in ritual practice. Bundle the branches together (to your desired thickness). According to ancient ways and traditions, they know that at plants that have sacred healing and cleansing essence. This will leave you with a burning bundle of herbs which will create smoke. Contact Us Then, gradually, work your way along the length of branches until you reach the leafy end. 2. The smudges of desert sage are burned to purify environments and raise thoughts; tradition has it that it can instill pleasant thoughts and a sense of relaxation, ward off worries and pessimistic visions, and stimulate inner strength. Fold in any stray sprigs, tucking... Once you reach … Wind the string tightly around the stems of the bundle, leaving two inches of loose string where you began. See more ideas about sage smudging, smudge sticks, smudging. Try to focus on this and choose the perfect kind of sage to smudge and cleanse! Knot the two ends of the string at the base. Make sure it’s a tight, double knot. [Finding the Right Herbs], Where did Smudging Come From? Its scientific name is Salvia Apiana and it grows wild in the southwestern United States, mainly in California, and northwestern Mexico. Patti Wigington is a pagan author, educator, and licensed clergy. 2. [Colors Explained], What to do With Sage Ashes or Stick after Smudging? "Make Your Own Smudge Sticks." While you can do a smudging with a single leaf, you can get a longer, larger smoke output if you bundle the sage together and tie it with cotton twine. It is also helpful to have a seashell or ceramic bowl to catch any embers while smudging. Before you start your sage plant, … Although they are available commercially—and are fairly inexpensive—it's easy to make your own if you've got herbs growing in your garden, or if there's a place nearby where you can go wildcrafting. Dawn Combs over at Hobby Farms has some great tips on nine different herbs you can burn as incense – and if they're safe for burning as incense, they're safe to burn in smudging ceremonies. We use cookies to give you the best experience, as detailed in our privacy policy. Wigington, Patti. The combination of these elements makes this smudge ideal for rituals of spiritual well-being and energetic cleansing. [Here's How To Do It Right], Here's How to Use Palo Santo Smudge Sticks [Tips & Tricks], What is the Purpose of Smudging? Foundation White sage is ideal to burn as incense. How to smudge a room. We all know sage has strong, powerful cleansing properties, but did you know that there are many different varieties of sage and each one of them has special properties for certain spiritual goals? There are many different plant materials you can use for smudging. Allowing oxygen in and sending out the stagnation of carbon dioxide of the night cleans up the environment: it’s like a burst of energy to start the day in the best possible way. Probably deriving from shamanic traditions, the creation of bundles of sage, held together with a thread of cotton or natural hemp, is an ancient method of preparation and drying of this plant, especially for the white Californian species. https://www.learnreligions.com/make-your-own-smudge-sticks-2562199 (accessed February 21, 2021). The smoke may be waved with a hand or a feather to direct it. Nature is your friend, in this case, thanks to an ancient and widespread practice that allows you to balance the energies of a place: burning incense or herbal mixtures. Here’s how to do it: Step 1: Tie the bundle together about an inch from the base. Also many small farms or existing companies are beginning to grow their own cultivated sage … You'll want to wind the string tightly enough that nothing gets loose, but not so tight that it cuts off pieces of the plants. Cut a length of string about five feet long. Return the string back up to the stems, creating a bit of a criss-cross pattern. Check out my shop and select the best options for you and for your specific situation! Depending on what type of herb you used, and how humid your weather is, it may take a couple of days or as much as a week to dry out. A close relative of white sage, it has a less pungent scent and is ideal for people who prefer more delicate aromas. Once your smudge sticks have dried completely, you can store them in a bag or box in a dark cabinet until it's time to use them and then burn them in ritual for smudging simply by lighting one end. Smudging is a vital way to complete sacred work. Line up partially dried sage branches with the stalks on … Learn Religions, Feb. 8, 2021, learnreligions.com/make-your-own-smudge-sticks-2562199. Yule Craft Projects for the Winter Solstice, Harvesting, Drying and Storing Your Magical Herbs, Projects to Celebrate Samhain, the Witches' New Year, 10 Magical Herbs to Use in Pagan Practice, Make a Simple Magical Herb Bundle to Hang on Your Door, some great tips on nine different herbs you can burn as incense. Salvia has the power to eliminate these vibrations, purifying our energy fields, and bringing sufficient clarity and strength to remain firm in our goals. When we burn its leaves, they give off a very pleasant aroma, providing a feeling of well-being, peace, and good energy. Black sage is widely known for its spiritual and esoteric properties, so if you are dealing with nightmares and sleeps paralysis and you think it’s because of some dark entities, black sage is the right ingredient. If you're new to the practice of smudging, there are a few items you'll need to get started. Smudging with sage is accomplished by acquiring a sage bundle or smudge stick. Smudging is the act of burning special healing herbs as part of a cleansing ritual to clear energies, air or a physical space.According to Marika Messager, at the Numinous, smudging can be seen as the psychic equivalent for “washing your hands before eating” and it has science proved facts: as stated by Prof. Chandra Nautiyal, smoke from some herbs can even change the molecular structure of air and energy. Which part of your life needs some energetic boost? Many times, negative energy around us is the result of our internal struggles and feeling off-balance. Versatile and effective, it’s suitable for most any smudging ritual—cleansing, healing, protection, meditation, and so on. It may help relieve the symptoms of some conditions. Most of the medicinal properties of white sage are in its leaves, which absorb the energy of the sun and produce a large number of essential oils that aromatize the plant. In fact, it can happen that our home is filled with “heavy air” and conditions our life negatively with states of tension, fatigue, and perhaps even migraines. Wigington, Patti. Even today, it is widespread in sacred places: just think of the incense used in churches during the most important celebrations. Dry the smudge … The bundles are lit on one side in order to generate a flame for a few seconds and then extinguished with a breath, so that an aromatic smoke comes from them and is used to purify environments, objects, and people. The first step is making sure that your windows are open (you want to give that negative energy an escape route, duh!). How to Make a Smudge Stick at Home Fresh herbs, string or twine, and a pair of scissors are the only materials needed to make a DIY smudge … It is one of the most used medicinal plants in the world of natural medicine since it maintains all kinds of benefits and no contraindications. Do you feel you need some fresh, new energy? Wrap the string around the whole bundle (pressing it well). They introduced the burning coal representing fire, and by burning the sage in the shell, they obtained a white smoke with a unique aroma that represented the wind. ** To Assemble the Smudge Stick: 1. Make Your Own Smudge Sticks. Safety tip: Some plants may have toxic fumes. Its size can reach more than one meter in height and its leaves are whitish with very particular bluish tones. The smudge of blue sage (a bunch of herbs and leaves) comes from a plant that grows in the deserts of the southwestern United States. You will want them about 6-8 inches long. The purpose of smudging is to use smoke to carry negative energy out of the area. Also cedar, sweet grass, rosemary, lavender; you can grow so many of your own herbs for cleansing purposes. White Sage is the bread and butter of any smudging kit. ... Twine Wrap. Try to listen to yourself and your intuition to unveil what’s truly going on within yourself and around you. Painting, thorough cleaning, and washing may not be enough! Just think about what you want to achieve. (2021, February 8). When mixed with other herbs, it makes a wonderful base for a custom smudging blend. Understand what sage can do. White sage is the most popular and most used kind of sage for smudging. For many people, the simple ritualized act of cleansing can be a perfect way to create a sacred space. … Or give vitality to your workstation? Once you have the lavender + sage, here’s how to wrap it: Proceed to wrap the rest of the bundle, spiraling up towards the top of the bundle. Bundle herbs together. If you don’t want to smudge your place but you need a change, don’t forget I can help with my spell casting service! Step 4. How To Sage (Smudge) Your Home, Office, And Yourself (Step-By-Step) Light the thick end of the sage and blow out the fire once it produces smoke. This should leave one side of the string approximately 3 times the length of your bundle. Traditionally, the Indians of North America burned white sage with a seashell, which represented water. Smudging is a symbolic exercise found in feng shui practice, many native American traditions, and alternative healing practices. Find us on: What Kind of Feather is Used for Smudging? Secure a long piece of twine around the base of your herb bundle and continue wrapping it until you reach the top. With the tips of the branches pointing down, begin wrapping the cord tightly around the base of your bundle. These herbs have some properties used for smudging. Learn Religions. Let’s see all we need to know about each kind of sage and how to choose the right one to cleanse our space, ourselves, and feel amazing in tune with some fresh, positive energy. dealing with nightmares and sleeps paralysis. Cut a piece of twine 4 times the length of your herbs… How to choose the right kind of sage for smudging? Feel free to share this article on Pinterest! Smudge Sticks. Here you’ll find everything you need to know about smudging, including benefits, what you need for smudging, how to smudge … Do you need protection, or do you want to cleanse yourself, your place, and your aura from some heavy, dark, negative energy? Step 3: Tightly wrap the string up the bundle of herbs, moving up in a … Many of the benefits are spiritual and psychological--but there is a physical component. Picking the appropriate herbs for the smudge wand can help support the intent of the spell, and it may be easier to find growing than white sage. Step 5. Traditionally this is an abalone shell with a bit of sand in the bottom. "Traditionally, people use an abalone shell to hold the sage and then use a feather to fan and spread the smoke around the space once the sage is burning," says Colleen McCann, a shamanic energy practitioner. [Guide], Is Smudging Bad for Your Lungs? Light the herbs to create a small flame and then fan the flames with a smudging … She is the author of Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch, Wicca Practical Magic and The Daily Spell Journal. The use of white sage incense is especially useful in times of great change in our lives when we can end up intoxicated by stagnant energies or negative and obsolete thought patterns. The most common plant used for smudging is white sage, but there are others. Put sage or a combination of sage, cedar and sweet grass into a shell (made for burning/smudging.) Then, gradually, work your way along the length of branches until you reach the leafy end. Smudging has gained popularity as a way to cleanse your space of negative energy (among other things). You might also use a charcoal disc beneath the herbs to keep them smoking, especially in the case of resins.". On a spiritual level: Many people use sage burning and smudging to connect with ancestral tradition. For the ancient Greeks, smudging was included in rituals to contact the dead, and often was used in tandem with ritual fasting. For these tribes, it was a sacred plant, and when it was burned in their ceremonies, they were smoked with the white smoke that it gave off to purify both their physical and emotional bodies, as well as places and objects. … The smoke is what does the clearing. Put simply, smudging is the act of burning sacred herbs for cleansing and purification. A smudge of desert sage lasts for several smudging rituals. Step 3. Black sage is appreciated for aiding rest and sleep; it is also used to facilitate astral travel and shamanic experiences. Cut off pieces of the plants in lengths about 6-10 inches long. White sage is also very beneficial when taken as an infusion, as it serves as a natural sedative, calming the nervous system and controlling anxiety. It is a common belief that the strong scent of sage … Step 2. • To easily light or extinguish a sage bundle I cut the strings that wrap the bundle and remove one stem for use. Once the smudge is lit, you can purify the house by entering each room and walking around the perimeter of the rooms in a counter-clockwise direction; when you want to act on yourself or someone else, wrap your body up with smoke. Start by trimming your flowers and herbs to size. Growing the Sage (Optional) Find an ideal place to plant the sage. The end is lit into a slow smolder, releasing thick smoke. In the esoteric field, blue sage is recognized for its beneficial and purifying properties. Sage is a symbol of the Goddess, even though it corresponds to the male, to the planet Jupiter, and to the element of air. When you get back to the stems, tie the remainder of the string to the 2" loose piece you left at the beginning. When you light your smudge stick, allow it to flame for a moment and then blow out the flame. You can take a room that gets everyday usage, and by ritually cleansing it, turn it into a place of magic and tranquility. A smudge of desert sage lasts for several smudging rituals. The same principle can be applied to the whole house or to a place that is vital to you (like a new business). Retrieved from https://www.learnreligions.com/make-your-own-smudge-sticks-2562199. "Make Your Own Smudge Sticks." Place the bundle outside or hang it up for drying. Smudging is a great way to cleanse a sacred space, and most people use smudge sticks made of sweetgrass or sage for this purpose. It involves burning selected herbs or other materials in a manner that fills the home or other space with the fragrance of the smoke, and it is thought to clear negative energy. The most common use in the holistic and spiritual environment is that of spreading its aromas in the air, through essential oils, or, even more traditionally, through smudging. Trim off any excess pieces so that the ends of your smudge stick are even. By using Learn Religions, you accept our, Use Your Smudge Sticks for Rituals and Spellwork. It is named for its abundant blue flowers. Do you want to purify a new house? Although the use of wrapped smudge sticks is generally attributed to Native American cultures and practices, the burning of fragrant herbs in a ritual context is found in numerous societies throughout history. It has thin leaves and an herbaceous and floral fragrance, similar to lavender. Every morning, when we wake up, we usually open the windows in the rooms where we slept to change the air. It clears stuck and low vibration energies. About Magickal Spot. Smudging can sound a bit intimidating to beginners and may seem unsafe or complicated, but in reality it is quite easy and completely safe when you follow simple steps. Dawn recommends you burn your herbs, whether incense or sticks, using "a heat tolerant vessel. The smudge stick in the photos contains sage, rosemary and pennyroyal, but you can use any kind of herbs you like. Step 2: Wrap the string tightly around the base several times. Wigington, Patti. The combination of these elements makes this smudge ideal for finding relaxation and inner peace. Step 4. How to choose the right kind of sage for smudging? Step 1. When done you may lay the sage stick in the shell or immerse the burning end of the smudge … The herbs … Spellcasting FAQ Magickal Spot is a witchcraft site dedicated to offering magical education, and we do this thorough explanation of the craft and its many nuances. American tribes have used sage smudge sticks for centuries. It turns out that sage may help clear the air of … 1. By continuing to use this website, you consent to the use of cookies. [History Explained], How to Light Sage for Smudging? Black sage, sagebrush, great basin sage, culinary sage etc. With the branch tips pointing down, wrap the string around the base of the branch bundle. Do not burn a plant unless you know it is safe to do so. Once the smudge is lit, you can purify the house by entering each room and walking around the perimeter of the rooms in a counter-clockwise direction; when you want to act on yourself or someone else, wrap your body up with smoke. White Sage … [A Quick Guide].

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