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huntsville city schools bloom

There has been a distinct lack of planning to generate revenues. Are they concerned that recurrent, severe deficiencies might be revealed to the public at large? The Liberal government removed that assistance when the area continued to vote Conservative. And I could tell you how these cuts will ruin school for all the kids who go through it but… we all know that already. If you “must” wake board, please find the middle of a very large lake and stay there, or wait for a very windy day when the rest of us can’t go out and the lake is already covered with huge waves. I can’t do this.”, I brought over a chair and a bottle of water and urged her to sit down and take off her mask. What’s the big secret? I myself replaced my front end on my car twice. Lesley Anne Green, Roxanne Driedger, Peter Bloom, Brian Markham, Tina Calberry, Judy Smith, Susan Higgins, Margaret Penner, Bonnie Markle, Shirley Smith, Jane Wolfe, Deanne O’Donoghue All in elected leadership need to walk the talk that they expect of their citizens. Bad Air If each case is supposed to be decided exclusively upon the merits of the evidence, what difference does having an in-depth knowledge of the law make? I guess when we start seeing empty bleach bottles on the side of the road we will know for sure that Trump has paid us a visit and driven around our area. I am a cab driver in Huntsville. I have a beef and wish to share it. These deficiencies would likely rest at the feet of the MOH and the Province. ); and the strict Law of Cause and Effect that guarantees whatever causes you make, the effects are simultaneously planted in your life and will manifest when conditions are right. Thanks Terri Howell for preparing the quilt for hanging in this space. Watch scary movies, tell scary stories, and gorge yourself on mini chocolate bars and Sweet Tarts until you throw up. Marie Heinen starts her piece by stating, ‘…It’s time for a lesson on law and government 101. We all know that real estate agents have a talent for “bending” the truth to fit their desires and needs and most take this with a sort of grim chuckle and something to the effect of “buyer beware”. Doug Ford’s Conservative plan? I think we have pedaled in every province but B.C. A Jet skier recently ran over & killed a gentleman out in his rowing skull. I explained to her that anyone who, for any reason, cannot wear a mask is exempt from the mask requirement, and was finally able to persuade her to take the mask off. Someone who listen to teachers, not just school board directors. The BnB host is a special bread of individuals who can tolerate strangers living with them, under their roof and in my case sitting them down at their table for breakfast daily. (Shut up Jim). This appointment upholds and stands up for our Environmental bill of rights. We have experienced people doing donuts in our bay on many occasions. Twice. He seems a bit more sober and serious these days. The liberal are liberally throwing money away and taking Canada down. I think it’s a combination of many causes for people to ‘ignore’ the arrows, 1) Ignorance, they just are too absent minded to realize the arrows have a meaning, 2) Arrogance, they just don’t care about anyone else and are just in a rush, 3) Started out the correct direction, but moved back against the arrow to reach items that were passed (I’m guilty of this all the time), 4) Aisle was empty, so went the wrong way, and hopefully turn back around should another shopper enter (I’m also guilty of this, but if the aisle is empty, I really don’t care if I’m going the wrong way while it’s empty), 5) Item within the first few feet of the aisle exit, pure laziness, don’t want to walk around. You’d think they would be better at handling the epidemic issues. I suppose they can’t stay closed forever but why then am I staying home? I would like to tell anyone who did not go they missed a huge successful entertainment!!! The one problem that the increased traffic on the river has also brought are Jet Skiers. Sorry, but jeez, people!! That short term stay was not allowed but longer I lived in Pickering when hydro put in the wind generator, that at that time was the biggest in Canada. The cafeterias that we knew as kids with fries and gravy are long gone. What is on your menu for Thanksgiving? That is one of the limits to growth that we all face and ultimately it will control us at some point no matter if we like it or not. I am writing to you as a 40 year seasonal resident of the Oxtongue River. As she probably expected, response to this radical idea was all over the map, from passionate agreement to equally passionate rejection because everyone has an opinion on the spending of their tax dollars. How will you respond to this Bill in the Muskoka district? I am shocked! The problem is – while none of them seem more deadly, if you get a whole mass of people getting sick faster, and the hospitals are already overloaded, they can’t care for anyone and they’ll turn people away, a lot of people won’t get any help. I was encouraged to see that the track by Lions Lookout is ploughed and sanded. #3 If he is so stressed out in his job , why not try to be a Doctor or a Nurse. The distance being less than 2 Km . Thank you! I am a senior who relies on the library delivery to my home. Ameliorating the air quality problem at the “relatively new” library would certainly be significantly less expensive than trying to move it. I seem to have other things to do with my day. I am on Pen lake and can barely get my boat off the lift. look into how Huntsville promised to redo Brittania rd. Deli staff are cutting cold cuts without masks or gloves. Unfortunately with the increase in seasonal population up here, there is bad that comes with the good. Most countries in the world use proportional representation (PR) because it encourages political parties to build on commonalities rather than accentuate differences. Now that the source of names had been determined, I next asked, half facetiously, if the names were then thrown into a big drum. Trusting as only the municipal bureaucratic mind can be they will not believe you picked this stuff up off the road and want to bill it to your account. My concern is that we keep the travesty of LTC in this province under full sunlight. It needs to be repaved or at the bad sections for our safety and our car suspension systems. Dress up at home if you have an urge that needs to be satisfied. -There are plenty of reasons why people require emergency services that you can’t anticipate. How far should they be from shore? My mother purchased a chair for the old Brick in October 2016. Someone out there must of seen him or took him in and maybe doesn’t have social media. I phoned every vet from Sundridge to Barrie…with NO LUCK, because I wasn’t a client nobody would do it!!!! There is no words for how we feel about the volunteer fire department, all we can say is Thank You Thank You. On the other hand, if you’ve ever counted potholes in Muskoka (as opposed to the holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall); studs are immensely damaging to asphalt surfaces; and the consequent repairs weigh heavily against their use. Parkway Schools are now closed for Tuesday, Septem ber 11, 2018. In essence, it is not incorrect to refer to God as male, neither would it be incorrect to use the feminine pronoun. Hey Huntsville, don’t let the realestate industry con you into selling your property. Today March 30th our local stations are charging 78.3. Or stop at 6 pm and leave the evening for peace and quiet on the lake? As Residents of Huntsville for a chunk of the year, we are appreciative of the work that various Town Councils have done to create generally good aesthetics for its people.An amazing furthur opportunity presents itself in creating a new Park/beautification area in a high profile area of our Town,namely the area opposite the CIBC Bank Branch.Fully realise that a lot of money would be involved,and money is tight at the moment due to COVID etc.How about a campaign/lottery(if allowable) etc,etc,etc.Let’s not deprive future generations of developing in an environmental/aesthetic way an even greater and more attractive Town!.Let’s do it!! Silas you’ve made an important observation of the danger newly placed gates pose on Lions Lookout Hill. Re : ‘GATES placed on Lions Lookout The pandemic isn’t gone. Dr. Charles Gardner, the medical officer of health for Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, is still recommending that people not go to their secondary residences. This show was the best show ever!!!!! Also, a closer look at any de-regulation which puts the health of Ontarians at risk is an important agenda item. That is part of what attracts tourists to the area. I wonder how many people had as much difficulty as I did making an appointment to be tested for covid 19.I needed it in order to visit my son in a group home. The employees are working hard to keep us fed and have been for months and should be respected for this. In the late 1800’s, the ruling provincial Liberals made the existence of Algonquin Park official. I have walked many of the streets in town and have noticed that a lot of people do not pick up their Forrester papers; they just leave them at the end of their driveways to decompose, I guess! The Isolation Quilt tells stories of how people are managing during this pandemic. The most recent one involving my adult children. The PC governments are about balancing budgets, no matter the long-term consequences. How can we socially distance from them? It does not matter how careful you are with YOUR wrappers and coffee cups, the very act of driving to work each day, when multiplied by billions of us world wide, is going to do the trick. (Actually Trinity United Church is holding their worship outdoors at the Martin’s farm (formerly driving range) at 10 am on Sunday, June 26). BEEN IN A GROCERY STORE LATELY? Trucks already drive on the yellow line for fear of dropping off the paved road onto the gravel shoulder. It has been there for several years now and one has to wonder when it might be graded out and brought to an acceptable viewing standard. Come on owners, tidy up your puppy. There may have been announcements on the local radio however we had not seen any notifications anywhere If you’re interested you can sign up here: https://doppleronline.ca/huntsville/subscribe-to-doppler/, Did our senior walk around the Summit Center yesterday (Thursday) and was surprised (pleasantly) to see a covid-19 testing facility at front entrance. I heard somewhere that your children will be taking a single subject, 7 hours per day, for a month. The wife and I jumped in the truck and drove all the roads around Madill church road looking for the 2 dogs until midnight. don’t care to have their advertising in the ditch. I am calling out to our Mayor, all of our elected officials and public health officers to seriously consider mandating the wearing of masks in closed public spaces. Oh my god! I am shocked,as well, at the lack of mask-wearing at the Independent and Metro stores! Ray V. Whew! Recently, groups that had been using the station were requested to remove anything they had in the building as the building is to be sold, For 2 dollars. In a conversation recently with the curriculum director of the College of Naturopaths, I challenged her when she expressed that very concept. If this mask requirement is about public health, there needs to be more education about exemptions and about the different types of masks, to protect people for whom a mask is contraindicated and people who are unknowingly misusing masks. I would like to thank those who attend every week. I also am on board with Ms. Mckays many pleas over the years to protect our wonderful trees. Federal Conservatives might not be aware. As Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, or atheists, we all need to be working to ensure that we bring out the best in ourselves and others, that we strive daily to make the world a more peaceful and tolerant place, and that we stand against injustice in whatever form it takes. But yet the patrol person that picked Tallie up had a meltdown about having to pick her up. Sure like to hear what folks who read your fine paper have to say. Regarding gas prices, one doesn’t have to travel very far north to avail themselves of First Nations’ prices. As we were leaving we spotted a garbage bag in a snow bank along the plowed road and it was Tallie. If Huntsville were a tech company I think it would be an Apple. Leading to water this piece of property can be used by anyone on earth to access the water but nothing can be built on this land and no privacy controls can be placed upon it. A final point that sort of makes me sad is that if you think about it at all, single bottles and cans for alcoholic beverages are quite unlikely to just “fall” off the back of a truck or out a hole in the bottom of a car’s trunk. For a myriad of personal reasons, a certain percentage of a countries citizens will always be dependent upon the charity of others. I have asked the Town if they would defer the Licensing fee to operate these STR till the fall. Responsible businesses will take action to protect their employees and customers. While the current Minister offers verbal assurances of what might or might not be approved that is no assurance of what a future Minister or Government might do based on the act. There are two really big problems with the Ontario legislative system. We realize that without the blackflies and mosquitoes though, there would be no fish, no things like blueberry’s and a host of other things that we do like. Perhaps the old high school track could be put to good use for these larger, louder venues. Indiscrete littering. https://www.ola.org/en/legislative-business/bills/parliament-42/session-1/bill-66. Lets continue to enjoy the success we have experienced. They can’t do it with everyone else being stupid, careless, thoughtless, selfish, bored, or frankly, even just lonely. I don’t ‘like’ doing either one but it’s what I’m being asked to do as a sign that I give a care for others in my community. Trick or Treaters had a much needed ‘near normal’ Halloween evening out. What a shame. The word idiotic came to mind right after stupid. – The unit is closed to new admissions and transfers.”. Another area to look at is battery technology and hydrogen fuel cells. Our Provincial Government playing a little shell It is hard to believe that individual beer cans just randomly fall off of trucks. There have been a lot of could’ve, should’ve, would’ves, since then, like Apple at $9.00 or Lockheed at $7.00. Barry’s Bay $1.17 https://doppleronline.ca/huntsville/has-your-child-caught-the-back-to-school-bug-dr-brandy-strelec-nd/. Many of the people involved are seniors themselves helping their neighbours and local businesses such as Muskoka Seniors, The Salvation Army, Home Hardware and several local restaurants to mention just a few. I would like to remind people using wave runners (SeaDoos, etc) that while you are out having fun going around and around in circles over your own waves for hours or zooming back and forth and back and forth…we, on the shore, are trying to have a peaceful conversation or coffee, and are tired of your noise! Aggregating all the cuts they have made and then extrapolating from them, it would appear to me that if you are a business that doesn’t like to pay taxes, doesn’t like to pay a living wage and don’t mind polluting then you are a business the provincial Conservatives would love to welcome. Forget the confusing and sometimes dangerous social scene, the school itself can beat you down. Minister of what ? The walk to McD’s and back would take up most of the normal lunch time, so not wishing to decrease McD’s obvious appeal it is still a case of much walking with little or no time to actually eat. If memory serves, the speed limit was 10km/hr. Even a RFP would be patently unfair (as the net worth of the interested parties is so diverse). Many people are trying activities outdoors instead of indoors during COVID and as long as I can remember the unused winter hill has been a toboggan hotspot. I think everyone would agree that there has been a vast improvement to snow removal on our major roads and highways since Fowler are back on the job with their snow-clearing equipment – The interesting thing about all those bicycle excursions, though, is that some of the most interesting afternoons we have spent, repeatedly, have been up in North Bay. Who cares that the beautiful bloom of those almost immediate new tax revenues will quickly wilt as corporate tax rates seemingly continue to shrink. introduced and passed first reading just before the legislature rose for the holiday break in December. And I just watched another group of neighbours, including at least a dozen adults and children, head over together to a nearby hill with their toboggans and sleds in hand (even though outdoor gatherings are limited to 10 people or less). An RFP was issued and the matter debated, but since volunteers had invested time and money in the station some years ago, councils have done little to maintain the building. Majority of boaters that come up the river adhere to speed limits and are courteous. You have to pull three consecutive all nighters because the amount of school work you are given is crushing your mental health. By placing my order face-to-face at this store I was cutting out the ‘middle man’ of online shopping. I don’t know if you’re a lawyer or a teacher; but you presented a strong case. Maybe the high school should also be fined for letting this situation happen. The Library has an air quality problem. Foreseeing, as he thought, the growth of a great city somewhere on the Bay of San Francisco, he selected Carquinez Straits as its location, and obtained from General Vallejo a title to a league of land, on condition of building up a city thereon to bear the name of Vallejo's wife. Mayor Terziano -please make masks mandatory in businesses and areas where distancing is not possible. So, I leave that store. It was so good to see the flags around the property yesterday. Is this because they fear yet another damming report by an authoritative independent body? I guess protecting the residents from fire is not enough to satisfy some of them and they seem to want the fire department to remove their trash too?? I object to them not physically distancing or wearing masks. I am writing to express my concern about the potential local impact of the Ontario government’s Schools City County Rank score (2019) Rank (2018) Rank change from 2018 SchoolDigger Rating (2019) 876 th: A W Brown Leadership Academy: PK, KG-8: 2: 0: 0: 0: Dallas: Dallas County: 0.187: 949 Is there a C medal for that? If I were a Trumpite I think I would be crying “Conspiracy.” Since I am not a Trump idiot, though, I know it is entirely a coincidence that my name came up yet again in such a short time frame. Don’t sit on the fence like some other local politicians. We know that COVID-19 does not just show up in a community, it gets there by someone bringing it, including by those who may not even have symptoms. Update: now missing 4 days. He took my phone number and name and said he did not know but he would radio the patrol person and find out and call me back. Seems the gas corporations know where the money is! We are not in the stream of danger from the outside of this community. Phone 705 -646-3848, In reply to Professionally Speaking: Finding God in Nature https://doppleronline.ca/huntsville/finding-god-in-nature-jeremy-mcclung-of-muskoka-community-church/. While I truly support picking up after my pet and most people do I have an issue with people tossing the bagged “goodies” right back into nature. They benefit the pocketbook and the government’s wallet. Please attend at Conroy Park in Huntsville tomorrow (July 21, 2020), at 3:00 p.m. to protest the blatant destruction of the natural environment at Forbes Hill Drive. Give me your list of Conservative plans to combat these deficits so I have something to compare them too…thanks. THIS IS THE LAW! So what is required is a bylaw (if one doesn’t exist), and enforcement (if one does). DWIGHT $1.25!!! She hit a steel post and suffered a complex ankle fracture requiring surgery. It was becoming lonely as the only one getting censored on Doppler! I have not made my decision as to who I will vote for in Ontario’s upcoming provincial election but I bristle at all media organization’s reporting poll results as if it is a done-deal for any particular party. A future triathlon route perhaps? In a press release, our health unit said that “SMDHU’s focus is on raising public awareness and educating people on the use of non-medical masks or face coverings in premises where physical distancing may be difficult.” But the two stories I’ve shared show that some of us are only aware of the mask requirement but not of the exemptions, nor of the different types of masks and how they should be used. They have excellent references. In the regular part of the year, there is a parade of contractors out from Huntsville every morning and return at night. The stories are being compiled in a book that will be on display beside the quilt when our lives return to some sort of normalcy. The area is an awesome place for vacation and relaxation and should be promoted. ( Federal to boot.) Every customer is treated like a somebody. So many questions, so few answers. Cross country skiers are arriving up here utilizing motels/hotels and even Arrowhead Provincial Parks own cabins of which there are ten. Its not just the Seadoo’s. To me it would be most inclusive not limit God to human images at all, to let go of anthropomorphic images altogether. Another long term Liberal initiative. I can understand the odd contractor who is not from the area and is just here briefly but even then should know better. I was doubly happy because I had brought an outdated product with me with a questionable sku that I hoped they could replace with a generic product. Protesting in the United States I called Fowler’s construction highway maintenance office. Safe injection sites are under review and I believe I heard a story on the news about a student-loan forgiveness program being cancelled. Unfortunately, it was held on the same day as a climate crisis march. Attended a show at the fair grounds put on by Muskoka Festival of the Arts and some of our local musicians. You’d think they would care more. This is not a new issue by any stretch of the imagination, BnBs and cottage rentals have been around for a very very long time, but a few articles in the media have brought global attention to “short term rentals,” and I guess after generations we are now faced with dealing with it and a lot of people are going to be hurt and a lot will be happy, that’s just the way it is with social issues there are no clear cut winners. I am a resident, but I’m wondering when can my family come to their private cottage if they socially isolate? Dr. Hastie; I have suggested to MPP Mr. Miller that the provincial government’s inaction in LTC appears to be one of moral bankruptcy. PRETTY WOMAN - vintage striptease stocking heels basque . (opinion or facts). It is well documented that children are close to being immune to the virus. It is so good for the mind and the body. Let’s work together to DROP the Numbers. There is a new telephone scam on the wires. Last week an older woman came into my workplace wearing a mask, as required. This is not to say all fit this mold, most do not, but there are enough folks out there who make Yogi Bear look smart to be a bit of an insult to our area. Yesterday, I had family members heading home after a visit and they said they were just about hit head on on the S curve as another car was on the wrong side of the road to avoid the holes. Its great to hear so many are taking up the cause for making and distributing masks , but some where the message that everyone should be wearing them in places where its difficult to keep six feet apart isn’t getting through. Even little Barry’s Bay has us beat at 68.9 Kind of depressing to think that these were all probably drunk while driving and then tossed… sort of a double insult to society here. Last year’s Ribfest not only broke noise bylaws but quite possibly the sound barrier as well, as its announcer could be clearly heard in the Walmart parking lot. After being away from school for a week because of a cybersecurity attack, students returned to Huntsville City Schools on Monday in what’s become a throwback version of education.. We had found what I thought was my dog buried in snow in the snow bank. The parallels to what Huntsville could do are almost too similar as to be eerie. Well, the money and the figure were donated but I agree with you–beauty is in the eye of the beholder and most “beholders” have judged it to be ugly. o no gatherings of more than five people unless they are all from the same household; Success Stories from Schools of All Sizes Schools and businesses are working together to benefit students, teachers, and entire communities. I hope schools that are starting have more intensive cleaning protocols. You have no way to know if they are self-isolating for 14 days; so to preemptively act as judge and jury is a desperate measure for bored people. I was shocked and saddened when I heard the news on May 25, 2020, that yet another black man, George Floyd, was killed by another white policeman in the United States. To those residents of Huntsville who live along the Muskoka Road 3 North corridor and also to parents of children who attend Spruce Glen Public School, there will be a Town Planning Committee meeting in chambers on August 16th commencing at 9:00 am, to consider a proposed amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-66P, which would change zoning on an adjacent property from a Rural One (RU1) Zone to a Heavy Industrial (M1) Zone to permit a rock cutting and processing facility on the property. Many other communities have reopened the pool and I think it’s our town’s responsibility to its citizens to open!! The more important thing is for the Conservatives to appear to be getting provincial income and expenses back into sync, without being creative of course. Secondly, perhaps you could shed some light on comments that “don’t meet our community standards” as there are a few individuals who feel they are unjustly censored. How was a person to be aware of this service. Our community has seen the return of cottagers and visitors and thus there are more people in grocery stores, malls and other retail outlets. These accusations are on the whole not true, and damaging to those of us that provide a very personal unique night over for tourists and promoters of Muskoka so they will come back again one day to support not just me but all the businesses and tourist attractions I recommended by word of mouth or in the pamphlets I pass out to them.

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