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presidents last day in office 2021

Just days earlier, Trump had grown annoyed with Giuliani, refusing to take his calls or pay his bills. He thought about what he should do when he gets to Florida. © 2021 The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., A nonprofit 501 (c)(3) Charitable Organization. Final preparations in Washington ahead of Biden's inauguration. “He’s facing the most potential liability he’s ever had while in office and his chief of staff should have put his foot down and said, ‘Mr. STAY UP TO DATE WITH THE FREE CBN NEWS APP  Trump and Chris Miller, the acting secretary of Defense, had spoken in previous days about the upcoming protests. Trump complained to aides that the intensity of the blowback was unfair. He wanted to do it at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland. Read his final remarks to the public as he exited office. When the deaths of five people during the riots were confirmed—including Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick—the right-leaning editorial board at the Wall Street Journal, a Rupert Murdoch-owned newspaper, called for Congress to impeach and remove Trump if he declined to “take personal responsibility and resign.”, After he posted a tweet that continued to dispute the election results, Republican allies urged Trump to go with a more conciliatory message. The capital was a maze of steel fences and checkpoints. “Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th.” Just minutes after the vote, at 3:49 a.m., the statement was posted to the Twitter account of aide Dan Scavino, who, unlike Trump, still had access to social media. By the end of the meeting, there was a tacit understanding that after four years of weathering numerous controversies together, the partnership was effectively over. Statement by President Donald J. Trump on the Electoral Certification: “Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th. Kushner and others suggested a televised address from the Oval Office, but the president didn’t like that idea. Former Republican allies—ranging from Christie to Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey—called for his removal or impeachment. Staffers had long considered that Thursday would be an important date internally: The day they could finally — and publicly — acknowledge the election was over and move on. Former New Jersey Gov. Pelosi was preparing the House for a swift midweek vote, while Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was privately wrestling with the timeline for Trump’s anticipated Senate trial. “I do feel bad about the way he was treated by the president.”. But what was on Trump’s mind was the PGA's decision to cut ties with him — an embarrassing development the golf-obsessed president had awoken to that morning. In the aftermath of the Capitol riot, Trump’s White House became an insular refuge for a self-absorbed leader detached from the people who had rejected him. He planned to argue the president did not incite the riots because the allegations of voter fraud in November were true, though he said there are other opinions on what argument to make. Be peaceful and use your 1st Amendment rights, but don’t start acting like the other side. They tried to cheer him up by talking about his legacy, including a record number of judges, the speedy coronavirus vaccine and an increase in U.S. manufacturing. But he wasn’t really working. “I think everyone had an eyebrow raised with Lindsey Graham,” a White House official said. Get POLITICO Magazine's newsletter featuring the best stories of the week and our Friday Cover delivered to your inbox. Troops line the perimeter of the Capitol. But on the same day, Trump’s 1776 commission, formed to fight the academic left’s view of history, released a report that some historians chided for excusing slavery. His aides convinced him that would be premature. Maybe do a call with a foreign leader? Trump watched it unfold on television in the private dining room off the Oval Office, seemingly oblivious to the dangers of an armed mob loose inside the halls of the Capitol. It didn’t have the desired effect. Trump's family, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, and supporters joined the crowd at Joint Base Andrews to bid farewell to the 45th president. About 7 a.m., his former chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, who had been serving as a special envoy to Northern Ireland, publicly announced his departure.”I can’t do it. “I think people feel sorry and bad for [Pence],” a former White House official said. Trump news – live: President faces last day in office as Biden condemns lifting of Covid travel bans US Capitol on lockdown and inauguration rehearsal evacuated after fire causes security alert On his way out of the White House, Donald Trump lifted Covid-related travel restrictions on the UK, Ireland, the European Union, and Brazil. President, you are going to stay in the White House and you are not going to say anything until we sort this all out,” said a Republican close to the White House. In the Oval Office that morning, Trump pushed Mike Pence to use his position overseeing the certification of the Electoral College results later that afternoon to block Biden’s victory. Others around him understood the implications and tried to persuade their boss to act—and act responsibly. "And I can only say this: we have worked hard. But Graham’s view won out. Bottom left: A sign honoring former U.S. Representative John Lewis (D-GA) lays ripped on the floor inside the U.S. Capitol after a mob of Trump supporters was cleared from the building on January 6. Once they emerged from their safe rooms, most senators, led by the implacably stern-faced Pence, weren’t in the mood for delays. Her chief of staff, Stephanie Grisham, a trusted aide who had been with the Trumps since the 2016 campaign, had resigned in protest the night of the attack and her absence was felt first thing Monday morning when the first lady decided to release a statement about the insurrection her husband helped provoke. President Donald Trump plans to pardon or commute as many as 100 people on his final full day in office, CNN reported. “These guys aren't afraid of him anymore,” a Trump friend said of Republicans. He didn’t visit the MLK memorial. But the president didn’t want people to think he was afraid of being removed from office. Two minutes later, he boarded the helicopter, bound for a daylong trip to Alamo, Texas, on the Mexican border. Trump, still fuming about Pence’s decision not to interfere with the certification, never called his vice president. Trump’s son-in-law and de facto chief of staff Jared Kushner was flying back from the Middle East. Bottom left: Senator Ted Cruz walks to the House chamber ahead of the certification vote. The unannounced final day of operation for the latest version of the show was January 19th, 2021. “It would require him admitting guilt and that’s not something he does.". He met Kushner and Ivanka Trump and Cipollone to review a list of pardon requests that have been coming in from friends and allies on behalf of themselves and others who have grown anxious. “Go home,” he told the rioters before reassuring them that “We love you.” The outrage at Trump grew as the televised scenes of mayhem continued. He told them he hoped for “a safe inauguration and a swearing-in of a new president and vice president.” And it was Pence who called Kamala Harris to congratulate her and belatedly offer his assistance during the last days of the transition. “You’ll never take back our country with weakness,” Trump told thousands of his supporters. Even McCarthy, one of his biggest allies in the House who had maintained absolute GOP opposition to the first impeachment, said on the House floor that Trump “bears responsibility” for the Capitol attack and told his members to vote their conscience. Saved. The president was returning from Texas. He was disappearing. The day that would ultimately come to define the Trump White House began with a demand for loyalty. “It’s almost as if he was still in rally mode.”. His team sent out invitations to supporters and donors Sunday. Then, even as authorities struggled to regain control of the Capitol and the city imposed a 6 p.m. curfew, Trump tweeted again: “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Highlights of President Trump's Last Day in Office: 'We Will Be Back in Some Form', Click Here Get the App with Special Alerts on Breaking News and Top Stories, Discovery on Jerusalem Pilgrimage Road Proves It Was Built by the Man Who Crucified Jesus, Pastor Jailed for Holding Church Services Amid Pandemic Restrictions, The Texas Blackout Is a Preview of the Energy Crisis Coming to Your City or State, Trump to Speak at 2021 CPAC Conference in First Public Appearance Since Leaving Office, 'It Was a Big Jesus Fest': Texas Church Becomes Emergency Shelter During Winter Storm, Israeli Archaeologists Find ‘Christ, Born of Mary’ Inscribed in Ancient Valley», «White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki Gives Biden Admin's Second Briefing. Recent presidents have hosted their eventual successors on the last day in office. Finally, to his face, Pence told the president the Constitution wouldn’t allow it and he wouldn’t attempt it. Stores are boarded up. “Graham also told him that this would ... show he was the only president who was able to solve the border issue,” according to a person familiar with Department of Homeland Security preparations for the trip. That evening, Trump’s aides, including political director Brian Jack, briefed Trump on the 10 Republicans, one by one, who had voted that afternoon for impeachment. “I said, ‘This is real. “He’s getting on the phone, he’s calling people and you know he’s not doing the work of the presidency,” a Trump friend said. Highlights of President Trump's Last Day … Trump touted his accomplishments of putting in place three Supreme Court Justices, nearly 300 federal judges, and delivering a COVID-19 vaccine in just nine months. Inside the White House, there was paralysis. Some aides had quit in protest and others had already left for other jobs as the administration wound down. It shows the number of votes flipped.’ And [the president] looks at it and he goes, ‘It’s like we all knew that, right?’”. At the wall, Trump used a Sharpie to autograph a plaque on a piece of newly constructed border wall. Outside the White House, large moving trucks had pulled up. He was a man, a leader, a president almost unrecognizable to those who had watched him over the past four years. After the riot, press secretary Kayleigh McEnany considered whether to hold a briefing but didn’t. (The White House) Mideast Mindset. @MyPillowUSA CEO Michael Lindell shows off his notes before going into the West Wing at the White House on Friday, Jan 15, 2021 in Washington, DC. Trump had long made pardons a signature performance of his presidency, doling them out to political allies and people nominated by celebrities. They agreed to visit the southwestern border, where Trump could return to one of the issues that got him elected in the first place—the promise of a border wall. On Dec. 30, Tolman posted — but later deleted — information on what type of person the administration wanted to pardon. Hope Hicks, one of Trump’s closest advisers, hadn’t worked out of the White House in weeks and was scheduled to officially depart in just a few days. He thinks it’s un-American,” said a person close to the president. Kushner, as always, was in charge, steering Trump’s inconsistent and tone-deaf response to the riot, but this time he and Ivanka Trump tried to keep their distance too as they looked to protect their political viability. Trump was livid. Members of the National Guard secure blocked streets in preparation for Biden's presidential inauguration near the White House in Washington on Friday, January 15. It’s absolutely ridiculous.”. Top: The "Stop the Steal" rally in Washington. Many delivery services, except for the Post Office, have a regular service and many, but not all, public transit systems operate on regular schedules. They devised a statement that blamed Trump’s opponents for their partisanship and they had deputy press secretary Judd Deere deliver it: “A politically motivated impeachment against a president, who has done a great job, with 12 days remaining in his term will only serve to further divide our great country.”. Personal victimization was a theme at both ends of the White House that morning. But he was disappointed by the reception he got from Trump. He and Graham, who flew with him on Air Force One, had planned to tout the construction of 452 miles of a 30-foot steel wall, much of it merely a sturdier replacement of what was already there. Kellyanne Conway, a former aide who remains close to the president, called the White House after the D.C. mayor’s office asked her help getting Trump to call up the National Guard. Donald Trump. (The country’s ambassador accepted the award.) And they strategized a possible path forward — appointing a special counsel to investigate Biden’s son Hunter; campaigning for the 2022 midterms; granting pardons before he leaves office; taking a victory tour around the country. But the riots prevented them from being able to say goodbye as they expected. “You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.” Then he urged them to march to the Capitol. A few minutes later, he tweeted his support of the Capitol Police and asked rioters to “stay peaceful.”. It was the first call between the two. Nor did he seem interested when the Labor Department released new data showing the first net decline in U.S. employment since the spring and staggering job losses across the food and beverage and hospitality industries. Since President Trump will be signing out as President at 12:00 noon of 20 January 2021, he will announce his list of pardons on 19th January The list of appeals too is a secret list and speculation runs riot in the US media over who is 'lobbying' to make it … On the floor of the Senate, McConnell offered a blunt assessment of Trump’s culpability for the Jan. 6 insurrection. Bottom right: U.S. Senate staff carry boxes containing state Electoral College votes at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. “It’s ridiculous. Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, a moderate member of the Senate GOP Conference, had called for Trump’s resignation hours earlier, and Pelosi was beginning to warm to the idea of a rapid no-frills impeachment. On Friday, January 8, Twitter suspended Trump's account. The last days that Trump lived in the White House began officially when Congress voted, in the middle of the night—with broken glass in the marble hallways and gas masks scattered in safe rooms—to certify the election results that Trump still refused to accept. To become President of the United States, the Constitution … On the morning of the day Trump was impeached for an unprecedented second time, the president’s team did something the president himself hadn’t been doing much of — fighting back. It never happened—but only because Kushner put a stop to it. At the urging of Kushner and an increasingly diminished team of advisers, who shuttled between the executive residence and Oval Office to consult with the president, a defeated Trump did what had been unthinkable just days earlier and publicly acknowledged that a new administration would be coming into office. The inauguration will be held on January 20, 2021, in Washington D.C. Allies had been pushing him to give a public statement, anything to stave off an expected flood of Republican defections. It was Pence who went to the Capitol to thank the National Guardsmen protecting the building. Bottom: Final preparations for the Biden-Harris inauguration. They broke windows, scaled walls, emptied fire extinguishers and stalked outnumbered police. He couldn’t resist prefacing his peace offering with yet another lie. For nearly an hour, the two men struggled to sort through the events of the prior week and map out a plan for the remaining days of their administration. The stinging indictment by a newspaper Trump had read religiously for decades was more upsetting to him than the flood of administration officials springing for the exits, according to one senior administration official. “The mob was fed lies,” he said. That’s when photographers captured a close-up of his notes that appeared to suggest “martial law” might be necessary to save the country. Nearly 50 current and former Trump aides and Republican allies describe Trump's final days in office as a countdown to oblivion—with the energy of a once-chaotic West Wing draining away while signs heralding the coming of his replacement appeared outside their windows. God is everywhere—even in the news. In 2019, during a government shutdown, Trump and Pence made a brief appearance at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial. The National Guard troops stand by office buildings on Capitol Hill in Washington. Trump admired the trappings of the presidency too much to leave the White House that early. https://www.oann.com/president-trump-to-issue-dozens-of-pardons-commutations-on-last-day-in-office/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=president-trump-to-issue-dozens-of-pardons-commutations-on-last-day-in-office. This segment aired on January 19, 2021. Instead, at 4:17 p.m., Trump released a video. Others breathed a sigh of relief. In 2020, just after the House impeached him the first time, Trump and Pence again visited the memorial before the president left for a quick trip to Davos, Switzerland, to attend the World Economic Forum. Despite the daily boilerplate scheduling guidance from the communications staff — “President Trump will work from early in the morning until late in the evening. He said he intended “to listen to the legal arguments when they are presented to the Senate.” That Trump could actually be convicted in the Senate became suddenly more plausible. | White House handouts. Click Here Get the App with Special Alerts on Breaking News and Top Stories. — as they hunted for an alternative platform where he could quickly rebuild his following. Sullen and lonely, Trump turned to an old ally who just 48 hours earlier had declared he was fed up with the president’s antics. Andrew Desiderio, Josh Gerstein, Jasmine Hilton, Daniel Lippman, Lara Seligman, Sam Stein, Ben White and Melanie Zanona contributed to this report. “He’s now keenly focused on those 10,” a White House official said. Other staffers, who were obligated to keep on top of official business even though Trump had grown disinterested, tried to limit their time with him in the Oval Office to avoid hearing his endless harangues about the stolen election. Help us continue to be a voice for truth in the media by supporting CBN News for as little as $1. In a break with tradition, President Donald Trump joined just a handful of former American presidents choosing not to attend their successor's inauguration. On the day after the riot, he had gone ahead with a ceremony to bestow the Presidential Medal of Freedom on two former professional golfers. About. Despite speculation that he would leave for Mar-a-Lago weeks in advance — just after the election or at the holidays — he never did. It remains unclear whether Trump is ready to hire him again. Rep. Liz Cheney, the third-ranking Republican in the House, announced she would support impeachment. “Our agenda was not about right or left, it wasn’t about Republican or Democrat, but about the good of a nation, and that means the whole nation,” he said. “It should have been said in December,” said a former Trump aide, matter-of-factly. There were reports Cabinet members were contemplating invoking the 25th Amendment to put Pence in charge. He thought about whether to pardon his family, even himself. This is the backdrop of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration. “It was just exactly what you would expect from the Trump family during a moment of national grief,” said one White House official. He stopped briefly to speak to reporters as the helicopter rotors of Marine One thrummed in the background. Personalize. Behind closed doors, Trump awarded the Legion of Merit (a rarely bestowed honor given to a foreign leader) to Mohammed VI, the king of Morocco. “He’s reading these things that everyone is saying that Pence is the good guy and I think he’s like, ‘F--k,’” said a former senior administration official. Before boarding Air Force One and taking off for Florida, Trump gave a farewell address and assured his supporters they have not seen the end of him. Lawmakers cowered under desks and behind chairs, frantically calling everyone they could think of — the secretary of Defense, the attorney general, the Army secretary — to get more police to the Capitol. It’s been widely reported that President Donald Trump is considering granting a batch of pardons, possibly on his last day in office. The president focused his ire on Cheney and vowed to retaliate. “We can finally sleep in peace,” remarked one former Trump aide. “Enough is enough,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, Trump’s closest ally in the chamber, said when lawmakers returned to the Senate floor. 2021. In the last days, he was president but not quite present. They suspected it was a sign the White House was desperate for people to attend. This is wrong and not who we are. They did. He never uttered Biden’s name. Just after 10 a.m., moments after staffers were spotted carrying packing boxes into the White House, the president strode out of the Oval Office and into public view for the first time since the riot. Dwight D. Eisenhower became the first President to grant pardons in batches, which explains how he permitted 1,110 overall, including 202 in his final days in office. “You still need the president’s signature for things requiring executive authority.”, Instead, Trump handed off some things to Pence. Capitol Police Officer Daniel Hodges was crushed in a door. Around 8:30 p.m., @realdonaldtrump went dark on Twitter and the archive of some 55,000 tweets the president had sent during his time in office — statements that had ignited intraparty wars, alerted U.S. officials to major policy changes, blown up congressional negotiations and publicly informed staffers they had been fired — disappeared from the social media site. "Just a goodbye, we love you, we will be back in some form," declared Trump. So in the final days, Trump continued to pester his allies for ideas about what he should do during the actual inauguration when the nation’s eyes would be trained on someone else. “The government’s continuing to operate and run, and the president would weigh in on substantive policy decisions, but luckily a large majority of those have already been done,” a senior administration official said.

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