Our planet hangs in the balance

Our planet hangs in the balance

“At a time when the future of our planet hangs in the balance, Scott Pruitt didn't care about fighting climate change or protecting the environment. He only cared about making profits for his buddies in … “I am a planetary defender.” I believe this movement is coming; it’s coming because it has to.It is also important to remember that what we actually have on our hands is not just a threat, and if we treat it only as such, we lose out on a giant opportunity to change for the better.Let’s not miss this grand opportunity.It’s a narrow road ahead full of challenges and peril but we can thread the needle and avoid the crisis turning into catastrophe. If you believe and take a stand against ignorance, fear, greed, and denial, and join hands with another to remember your inherent power, then the shift can occur.If you are wanting to take action and are struggling to do so under the psychological weight and strain of our planet, you are not alone. Great non-violent leaders like Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King understood this. If you are feeling scared, angry, or overwhelmed don’t be discouraged. So, you may be wondering what the window for effective climate change action is. We cannot continue on our current path of energy use without catastrophic consequences for our planet. As stated in previous sections, the struggle to overcome the threat of climate change is not a technological/scientific one but a social/political one that is rooted in individual human psychology. When denial is pierced it hurts and it’s scary. We must do everything we can to reduce our energy consumption and our carbon emissions. While Our World Hangs in The Balance – (Part 3) Becoming a Planetary Defender: How to Join the Fight Against Climate Change December 10, 2018 January 23, 2019 You may believe that meaningful action on climate change is impossible or that the window has closed, but I’m here to … Perhaps Victor Lebow an economist, retail analyst and author, said it best in his seminal “Our enormously productive economy demands that we make consumption our way of life, that we convert the buying and use of goods into rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfactions, our ego satisfactions, in consumption. When scientists first started consistently measuring atmospheric CO2 in 1958, the CO2 level stood at 316 ppm, which was only a little higher than the pre-industrial level of 280 ppm. In the balance hangs our well-being ... powering our dark satanic mills of industry deposited the carbon in the atmosphere that is now dangerously warming the planet. Be encouraged! Gerrad Mullins, a gastroenterologist who studies the symbiosis of humans and bacteria puts it succinctly when If you believe that at least one part of humanity and the millions of species cohabiting on earth along with us are worth protecting and fighting for, then you need to take action now. In the excellent Netflix documentary “You’ve got no choice I’m afraid. Part one introduces the central role psychology plays in our response to climate change and explores the influences of evolutionary biology. Duration: 00:30 Humans are intimately tied to the fate of all life on earth.

You’ve got to keep at it. For at least the past seventy years here in the United States it has been materialistic consumerism, which is rapidly spreading around the globe.

If you want to try coming out of the anxiety of denial try a few simple things:Congratulations, you’ve just taken the first step to becoming a planetary defender . . The tools and information provided here aim to address this. The Amazon is home to one of the rainforest’s aerial predators: the harpy eagle but as the rainforest is being cleared their future hangs in the balance Release date: 11 November 2019 Why couldn’t the power to save the planet reside in each of us?We are so much more powerful than we believe ourselves to be and when we link arms we can become and unstoppable force.Perhaps you are someone who honestly believes humanity has already made too many mistakes and that the slate needs to be wiped clean. Just take a look at the 2006 If this series gives you nothing but a stronger belief that meaningful action can and must be taken now then I have succeeded.To understand the progress of climate change one must consider first and foremost the greenhouse gas CO2, which is measured as parts per million (ppm) in the atmosphere.

Belief directly impacts the health of your body through the well documented and yet miraculous placebo effect.

How we can get out of it and transform coal into gold, crisis into opportunity, separation into connection, and how to become the heroic planetary defenders that we so desperately need. Though reality exists in grays and can never be as simple as the Marvel Universe, we are in fact powerful beings, especially when we come together. .The truth is that we are all powerful beings.

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