How Japan is fighting coronavirus

How Japan is fighting coronavirus

When he took one of his sons to visit his mother last weekend, they decided to forgo their usual trip to a sushi restaurant.Last week, he noted, he visited his office for about two hours. Unlike China’s draconian isolation measures, the mass quarantine in much of Europe and big U.S. cities ordering people to shelter in place, Japan has imposed no lockdown. She has encouraged people to telecommute and to avoid going out in the evenings during the week.Crowds have thinned in popular nightlife spots and shopping districts, but commuters have been more resistant. The sharp rise in cases and deaths has prompted speculations that Japan had previously understated the scope of its outbreak. The declaration will depend largely on voluntary compliance, and Mr. Abe emphasized that it was not a lockdown, and that public transit would continue. Many of the newest cases cannot be traced to a specific source of transmission, which means public health officials do not know what conditions led to those infections.With undetected cases multiplying, there is also a concern among medical experts that Japan’s hospital capacity could quickly be overwhelmed. Despite the global pandemic, organizers maintained they were 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events TOKYO -- Japan reported more than 500 new positive cases of the novel coronavirus for the first time Thursday, the latest in a sudden spike in infections since the …

TOKYO -- Japan's relatively restrained approach to testing for the novel coronavirus has engendered public frustration, especially as neighboring Sout ... How Asia is fighting coronavirus. The Japanese government does not have the legal authority to enforce the kinds of lockdowns seen across Europe, where fines and other penalties have been imposed. The government has since changed that rule, and Mr. Abe said that it had secured 10,000 hotel rooms in Tokyo and 3,000 in the Kansai region, which includes Osaka, where patients with mild symptoms could recover. Masataka Morita, general manager of the public relations department at Hitachi, the electronics giant, said he had juggled Skype meetings from home while helping to care for his three sons.He can no longer visit his father, who has been in the hospital for a noncoronavirus illness for the last four months. The prime minister said on Tuesday that day care centers would not be forced to close because some parents might still need care for their children.The state of emergency covers seven prefectures with about 56.1 million people; Japan’s total population is just under 127 million. Several Japanese citizens, whom ABC News spoke to on the streets of Tokyo, said they believe the government was trying to keep the numbers low so that the Olympics would take place as scheduled. Coronavirus (COVID-19) advisory information Last updated: July 20, 2020 There have been 25,096 people tested positive for COVID-19 in Japan as of July 20 announced by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan . COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new coronavirus discovered after an outbreak in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. "Concern among the people is on the rise. Across Tokyo and other large cities, including Kobe, Osaka and Yokohama, citizens and businesses will have to decide how to respond to the declaration.Health officials in Japan, until now, have reassured the public that they have kept the virus in check by closing schools, urging the cancellation of large sports and cultural events, and warning people to avoid crowds in enclosed, unventilated spaces, such as in karaoke bars or nightclubs.In contrast to other countries, such as Until last week, public health officials argued that rules requiring the hospitalization of everyone who tested positive risked overwhelming the health care system with mildly sick patients. On that day, Japan had reported just 1,140 diagnosed cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the new respiratory virus, according to data compiled at the time by Johns Hopkins University. So instead, officials have asked the public to practice "jishuku" or self-restraint by voluntarily heeding their calls to stay home and close businesses. According to Updated July 23, 2020On Tuesday morning, before the emergency declaration went into effect, throngs of commuters wearing masks crowded platforms at the Shinjuku and Shibuya train stations, two of Tokyo’s largest.With Japan still recording a relatively low number of deaths — fewer than 100 so far — some say they do not see a need to avoid all contact with others.If packed trains were a problem, said Takuji Okubo, North Asia director of the Economist Corporate Network, “I think we would have seen a nightmare story in Japan” already.Mr. The problem unfolding now is that the theory failed and the Japanese government did nothing to enhance state capacity to cope with an eventual explosion in the number of severely ill patients, according to Nakano. There have been outbreaks linked to several Tokyo hospitals, including a For the last two weekends in a row, Tokyo’s governor, Yuriko Koike, has asked residents to stay inside for all but the most essential needs.

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