Siemens company website

Siemens company website

We empower our customers by meeting them where they are.

Climate change is real. We continually expand our Digital Enterprise portfolio to include cutting-edge technologies and offer industry-specific end-to-end solutions for companies of all sizes. Smart Buildings are changing the way we live and work. Find out more. Smart Infrastructure from Siemens intelligently connects energy systems, buildings and industries, enhancing the way we live and work to significantly improve efficiency and sustainability. Siemens Digital Industries is a leading innovator in automation and digitalization. Learn more about the company here. Sur place pour vous, dans le monde entier : des partenaires pour le conseil, la vente, la formation, le service, le support, les pièces de rechange... pour toute la gamme de produits Siemens pour l'industrie. Please enable JavaScript and reload the site. Explore the top 5 cybersecurity trends shaping the future of Smart Buildings & the measures being taken to address these challenges. Commenting on this development, Zsolt Sluitner, CEO of Siemens Real Estate, said: “We are proud that Siemens is the first blue chip company which starts to digitize its workplace environment on a global scale by using its own technology.” The Comfy workplace app aims to enhance the collaboration with Enlighted, both at customers’ and Siemens’ premises. Strategy overview Siemens is a global powerhouse positioned along the electrification value chain – from power generation, transmission and distribution to smart grid solutions and the efficient application of electrical energy – as well as in the areas of medical imaging and laboratory diagnostics. Driving the digitaltransformation by integrating hardware, software, and cutting-edgetechnologies. Amid unprecedented change and the rapid pace of innovation, digitalization is no longer tomorrow’s idea.
The Siemens Financial Services Company (SFS) provides business-to-business financial solutions. At the end of September 2019, the company had around 385,000 employees worldwide.Learn more about Siemens, a company that combines a rich heritage with the spirit of innovation. Today, Siemens has around 385,000 employees in more than 200 countries/regions. In addition, we have office buildings, warehouses, research and development facilities or sales offices in almost every country/region in the world.Fairs, events and webinars For the best experience we suggest that you download the newest version of a supported browser: The Siemens Historical Institute has the task of documenting the diverse history of our technology company, founded in Berlin in 1847, as well as researching that history and making it accessible to a broad target audience. *) Siemens Energy is part of discontinued operations since Q2/20.Siemens company presentation: Discover Siemens as a strong partner and responsible employer.Frequently asked questions on Siemens' most important facts and figures provide a quick overview of company topics. Set this page to Siemens Annual Report 2019In fiscal 2019, which ended on September 30, 2019, Siemens generated revenue of €86.8 billion and net income of €5.6 billion. As a leader in transport solutions for more than 160 years, Siemens Mobility is constantly innovating its portfolio in its core areas of rolling stock, rail automation and electrification, turnkey systems, intelligent traffic systems as well as related services. We help our customers to thrive, communities to progress and support sustainable development to protect our planet for the next generation. A key player and innovative pioneer in the renewable energy sector, we have installed products and technology in more than 90 countries, with a total capacity base of over 89 GW and 23,000 employees. It looks like you are using a browser that is not fully supported.

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