Easy brownie recipe

Easy brownie recipe

This brownie recipe with cocoa powder is heaven fresh out of the oven. I cant fond hershey dark choco in malaysia is it if i replace oil with butter? The edges will obviously cook more and be firmer, but I’m not sure how they’d be rubbery.I’ve been looking for a good brownie recipe for a while and every time it’s fallen short. (I am making little chocolate cakes for boxing day dessert.) I’m worried I over beat it. Awesome recipe btw♡♥♡♥I don’t know, I haven’t tried it. Thank you! They were fully cooked after that. Thanks for the recipe.I’m in the group where this didn’t turn out well at all.The middle never rose like the outsides and I baked for 40 minutes and it was still very wet in the middle.Here’s a site that shows the adjustments necessary for high altitude baking and cooking. Let cool in pan 30 minutes before slicing. p.s. So glad to hear that!I only have a 13x9x2 pan at my house how do I change the recipe for this? Thank you Bonnie! Hoping it won’t be too noticeable served with ice cream. They hav been in th oven longer than 30 minutes! We are in Nz, the brownies were just like the ones you get in countdown, sweet and moist, even better and when the kids drive you mad you go in the room and scoff the whole lot down and feel ready to take on the world, and the kids!❤️Love them & thanks tonsI want to use a 9X13 pan.how do i convert the ingredients ?I’d probably double it.I tried doubling them in a 9×13 and they did not come out as well as when I made them in a 9×9 (in which they were perfect)… I might try 1.5 the recipe next time for a 9×13. !These came out really good, although I needed 45 mins in my oven to cook them. Please Help!! Bring on the dark chocolate!For all the amazing brownie picture on FG I almost never click on them…but with yours I couldn’t resist! I did add chocolate chips to the batter as my family love them some chocolate. I love that you used dark chocolate cocoa powder–I bet it makes the chocolatey flavor even more intense! https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/richchocolatebrownie_1933 I thick it would change it a bit, I’m just not sure how much. I’m so glad you enjoyed them!These are seriously the best brownies we’ve had. You might not even see this but, I just want to let you know. Bonus–I’m lactose intolerant and since they don’t have milk or butter, as long as you use the right chocolate, these are lactose free brownies!Thank you for saving the day!I used baking cocoa (dutch dark cocoa) and the batter was thick. I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed them! Perfection in a square.Thank you so much – awesome recipe! Brownies were moist and delicious! I tried the quick and easy brownies. I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying the blog and following along! I’ve tried a few and nothing has been good enough to make again. All the best, Janice.I just made these brownies last night and they are amazing! Thank you!I’m so glad you enjoyed them! I needed to use some milk however but I would 100% recommend it You had me at “like box mix”! Thanks for the recipe! Had to just about double my cooking time for the toothpick to come out dry but they smell amazing. I’ve tried a lot of different brownie recipes in the past and they never really turned out the way I like brownies. I will be back to report on my brownie baking experience.I love this brownie recipe, but I added a bit more cocoa to it.

I usually just use a mix for brownies. This easy brownie recipe is wonderful in so many ways! They are quite dark in color in the pictures because I use dark chocolate cocoa in most of my baking. Taking them up to a middle school bake sale later. It’s less than 1/2 tsp, but more than 1/4 which is why there’s the addition 1/8 tsp.I have never actually made brownies from scratch before, we were having company for dinner and decided we needed dessert–I googled “Fool Proof Brownie Recipe” and your’s looked easy enough I decided to try it–I only had regular cocoa, but they turned out great! Easy to make and perfect for a quick chocolate fix. Just want to pass along, as so many of the comment were so helpful and I really enjoyed the recipe.This recipe was amazing!

Your ideas are certainly the best. In response to all the questions about a substitution for the oil, I have almost always used butter as a substitution merely because I prefer the taste. So happy found ur web lindsay. Right now I’m going for banana chocolate chip cookies but I’m saving this recipe and, due to your comments, I’ll definitely adjust for the altitude and let all you high altitude bakers know the results.I had a late night craving and found this recipe. (:Awesome! Just popped a batch in the oven (added some cacao chips) and can’t wait to try! I hope they were a hit! I know the difference between Dutch-processed and American but I’m not sure I know how to identify a dark variety. I can’t wait to try these! Pinned, of course! I used special dark cocoa and boy we’re they yummy!!

I hope they turned out OK!I love this recipe! ), so for my oven, I think when I make them again today, I will give them an extra 5 minutes. Came out deliciousJust made these. Thanks again!Wow, these brownies look absolutely PERFECT!

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