Keep the Faith Bon Jovi

Keep the Faith Bon Jovi

""I Wish Everyday Could Be Like Christmas" appeared as a B-Side to the song in the US. Bon Jovi Lyrics "Keep The Faith" Mother, mother, tell your children That their time has just begun I have suffered for my anger There are wars that can't be won Father, father, please believe me I am laying down my guns I am broken like an arrow Forgive me Forgive your wayward son Everybody needs somebody to love (mother, mother) Everybody needs somebody to hate (please believe me) Everybody's bitching … Faith blatantly brought to the surface the Bruce Springsteen influence that was always lurking in Bon Jovi's sound, and used it to frame Faith's more serious interpretation of the band's pop-metal groove. "Keep the Faith" is a song by American rock band Bon Jovi. We'd been kicked in the teeth by Of the thirty songs written for the album, a couple were co-written by Before the band reunited in the studio, Bon Jovi spent the summer of 1991 in anonymity, riding his motorbike in places like The album was released on high-definition In the US, The album’s first single, ""Some releases have misspelt track as 'Dry Country'. A 1998 edition contains an enhanced CD-ROM video of Keep the Faith (Live) The musical climate had shifted considerably in that time, a fact that wasn't lost on the band. The Keep the Faith Tour was a concert tour by American hard rock band Bon Jovi that ran … It is characterised by its driving bass line and is a live staple for the band. Following the completion of the In January 1992 the band headed to "When we got back together in a room in Vancouver," noted Jon Bon Jovi in 2007, "we closed the door and ignored what had happened to our genre of music. It was released in October 1992 as the lead single from Bon Jovi's fifth album of the same name. Keep the Faith was released on November 3, 1992. Keep The Faith is the Bon Jovi tribute band providing you with the unequivocal live concert performance you come to expect from a Bon Jovi tribute. Every note, every move, every detail has been carefully crafted and choreographed to deliver you the ultimate Bon Jovi experience. Keep the Faith reintroduced Bon Jovi after almost four years of side projects and hiatuses. Produced by Bob Rock. In the United States, the song reached #1 on the It is a regular song at live shows by the band and is featured on the In 2009, Jon Bon Jovi released a new version of "Keep the Faith" with the Washington DC Youth Choir on the compilation album The music video for the song was directed by The band appeared on MTV Unplugged, but that was different from the other episodes of the MTV Unplugged series. The performance captures Bon Jovi in an intimate, "in the round" experience, performing acoustic and electric renditions of classic hits (Bon Jovi and non-Bon Jovi tracks) and new material from Keep th…

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