The number of English speakers

The number of English speakers

The situation for the English dialects is also unclear: many of the speakers of the different varieties of English listed would have a great deal of difficulty understanding one another (for example, Newcastle and Atlanta speakers of English). • English gives the UK About 27% of the Pakistani population speaks English as a first language while 58% speak English as a second language.

The English language in … Approximately 360 million people speak the English language as a first language, and about one billion people in the world speak English as a second language. The English language is taught at all levels of schooling and is compulsory in all colleges and universities since it is a requirement for bachelor’s and associate’s degrees.There are 125,344,736 English speakers in India, making India the country with the second largest number of English speakers. #2 India English has come of age as a global language.

What Does This Mean for Translation? The English spoken in Pakistan is a variation of the language and is called Pakistani English or Paklish. The vast majority of native English language speakers live in the US - 215,423,557.A 2012 article in

Typically, native English speakers dominate meetings about 90% of the time - … The language then evolved from 1500 to 1700 to become early modern English, and by the 18th century, the British Empire promoted the spread of the English language around the world through its colonies.All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2020

Approximately 225 million Americans speak English as a first language, while 43 million speak it as a second language. These languages descend from Proto-Germanic, which is a set of dialects from North Sea Germanic. 70% of Finns speak English as a second language, with an EPI score amongst professionals of 69.2. The Pakistani government uses policies that were set by the British of making English a language of the elite. Harris maintains that the real number is probably closer to 20% at maximum.According to Continuing with Wikipedia, if we consider its list of languages by number of native speakers, then the total number of first language speakers is between 328 million and 341 million.The population of the world is 6,744 billion, which means that the highest possible percentage of English speakers (using the broadest definition) would be 27%, and the lowest 8%. However, about 220,000 people speak English as the first language while the rest take it as a second language. The United States of America is the world’s largest English-speaking country. Copyright © 2020. Moreover, the varieties of English spoken in each of those places is not a unitary thing; markedly U.S. residents today are nearly twice as likely to speak a language other than English … Of all the books published in the world, English literature accounts for about 28% of them.The United States has the most significant number of English speakers in the world with 283,160,411 speakers. A 1998 Harris poll found that, on average, adult Americans believe that just over half (52%) of the world's population speak English. The only country to rank in the top 5 for both numbers of English speakers and English proficiency, the Philippines has an EPI score of 67.4. The Whatever the actual figures it is possible that they are overestimated in the (English speaking) public's mind.
The English language is a language of power in Pakistan as it is used in civil service, higher judiciary, universities, and prestigious radios and newspapers. Finland: 3.8M English Speakers. The Philippines: 90M English Speakers. It now belongs to the world and increasingly to non-native speakers – who today far outnumber native speakers.
• English is the world’s common language. The English language in India is a sure way to get white-collar jobs. Native English speakers make up around 5% of the world's population on this basis. The modern English language first evolved from Proto-Germanic into Old English, which became middle English from around the 8th to the 12th century. With non-native English speakers in the majority worldwide, it’s Anglophones who may need to up their game. English is taught at all levels of schooling in Pakistan.The English language is classified as a Germanic language since it descends from the same origin as other languages in this group such as German and Swedish. That’s a grand total of 268 million English speakers which makes the USA, a country with the largest number of English speaking population. The majority of Indians speak what the older generation refer to as Baju English which is some broken English that may not be comprehensible to most native English speakers in countries like the United States and the United Kingdom.Pakistan has the third largest number of English speakers in the world at 108,036,049 speakers. It is spoken by a quarter of the world’s population, enabling a true single market in knowledge and ideas.

English is an essential language in the United States with 32 states having it as their official language. There are 125,344,736 English speakers in India, making India the country with the second largest number of English speakers.

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