It is also one of Japan's 47 prefectures, consisting of 23 central city wards and multiple cities, towns and villages west of the city center.The Izu and Ogasawara Islands are also part of Tokyo.. Free tours offered by the Tokyo government and Tokyo Free Guide require reservations at least a month in advance. I actually never heard back from them after I submitted my application for a free tour. Tokyo Free Guide Languages: English / Spanish / Italian / French. It’s a two-hour tour that starts at 10am and 1pm on weekdays. I personally tried reserving with Tokyo Free Guide two years ago, but I found their service a little unreliable, as the tour may be canceled if there aren't enough participants. Tokyo Free Guide.

It will have you exploring the streets of busy If you’re interested in the other tours, the costs are for entry and/or travel for yourself and the guides, with the full amount depending on how many people take part. Share this pageMy Tokyo Guide See something interesting? In order to view this website correctly, you will need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Popular Keywords. Main content starts here. Prior to 1868, Tokyo was known as Edo. You just need to contact them to book a guide and work something out, and whether you’re traveling solo or with a small group, there’s sure to be a volunteer guide who can accommodate you.

Popular KeywordsAdvanced SearchTravel smart and take advantage of free activities Main content starts here.For those trying to see the city on a tight budget, consider heading to one of the many gardens, museums, temples or shrines that charge no admission fee. TOKYO FREE GUIDE. See something interesting? There is no guiding fee for this volunteer service. You will receive an email from a guide when one comes available.Click TG providesTG providesTG greeters and visitors meet at Most TG greeters speakPlease note that TG cannot fulfill all the requests we received due to seasonal demands and the availability of volunteer greeters. There are over 600 volunteer guide members who speak at least one language besides Japanese. TOKYO FREE GUIDE, a nonprofit volunteer organization, was started in 2004 with the goal of helping overseas visitors experience Japanese culture and local customs.

Started by a traveler with a love for tour guiding, this site runs regular day and … On weekends there are also a wide variety of free festivals, events and other activities to try.Copyright © Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau. 12K likes.
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Here's how to save money on the way to Hokkaido.Tokyo Bay has long been the stomping ground of the infamous God of Destruction, so it should come as no surprise there are plenty of great spots to snap a photo.With over 750,000 readers each month, Tokyo Cheapo is the site of choice for value hunters who want their yen to go further in Tokyo.

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