Youtube Abroad in Japan

Youtube Abroad in Japan

Loading... Save. 2012 zog der Brite nach Japan, in die ländlich geprägte Präfektur Yamagata, um als Englisch-Lehrer zu arbeiten. Broad briefly appeared on the TV series Robot Wars in the UK, where his father and team were regular contestants, with their robot Killertron. Adventure into the absurd world of Natsuki, Japan's most eccentric and outspoken man.

A huge thanks to everyone who's regularly tuned in to watch these videos! 5:35. The Future of Abroad in Japan . He was placed, however, in Yamagata prefecture. Visits include Hot Springs, Mountains, Ski resorts etc. TOKYO ORIENTATION ~ Abroad in Japan Vlog by ehringhaus. My Favourite Place in Japan. Sign in. In 2018, Chris started a podcast on There's plenty more to come in 2017.... Youtube.

Chris Broad (born 21 April 1990), known online as Abroad in Japan, is a British YouTuber, filmmaker, and podcast host. Christopher Broad (born: April 21, 1990 [age 30]), better known online as Abroad in Japan, is an English blogger and vlogger whose content relates to his lifestyle and work while living in Japan.

48 Hours at Japan’s Biggest Snow Festival12 Things NOT to do in JapanMy Japanese Apartment and Arriving in JapanChris was born in the UK and graduated from University of Kent. YouTube Stats Summary / User Statistics for Abroad in Japan (2020-07-07 - 2020-07-20) Videokanal "Abroad in Japan": YouTube als Lonely-Planet-Ersatz. Our first guest, the clever Abroad in Japan, Chris Broad, talks on moving to Japan, being a YouTuber, and finding our styles. He focuses on videos about Japanese culture, Japanese food and travel in Japan, primarily in the Tōhoku region. Natsuki. A behind the scenes look at some of the Abroad in Japan channel's highlights in 2016, as voted for by viewers.

Seemingly back from the dead.... Youtube. Play all Share.

Sign in to YouTube . He moved to Japan as an English teacher in August 2012 on the Jet Programme and began making When Chris originally applied to the JET programme he asked to live in Kobe or Hyogo prefecture because he didn't know a lot about Japan, apart from that they had good beef. Chris was born in the UK and graduated from University of Kent. A sarcastic Brit living in Japan, Chris Broad has been the cynical face of the Abroad in Japan Youtube channel since 2012, when he moved into a tiny countryside apartment in north Japan and quickly realised he could turn his name into a pun.

If you'd like to get more favorites, please consider upgrading to a premium account He moved to Japan as an English teacher in August 2012 on the Jet Programme and began making videos in the same year.

Hear How it Began. Get YouTube Premium Get YouTube TV Best of YouTube Music Sports Gaming Movies & Shows News Live Fashion ... JUCHAEH - ABROAD IN JAPAN ehringhaus; 31 videos; 8,004 views; Last updated on Jan 30, 2018; My vlog throughout my time spent in Japan! In order to use the favoriting feature on Social Blade, you'll need to be logged into our In order to edit this user safely, you'll need to be logged into our It Seems that you've reached your limit on how many you can favorite. He is currently doing a 2000 kilometer cycle-trip across Japan and uploading vlogs daily.

View the daily YouTube analytics of Abroad in Japan and track progress charts, view future predictions, related channels, and track realtime live sub counts. Als ich mich kürzlich auf eine Japan-Reise vorbereitete, stieß ich auf den YouTube-Kanal von Chris Broad.

He has since moved to Sendai, Miyagi prefecture. Chris uploaded his first video on Most of Chris' videos are documentaries of him visiting different locations of Japan, often featuring two of his friends, Natsuki and Ryotaro. Personal life.

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