Bad guy (Donald)

Bad guy (Donald)

Sad.This article is like complaining about the color of the berg that sank the Titanic.In this analogy, Trump is the iceberg and the Titanic is America? Like the WW II German Armed forces swore personal loyalty to Hitler! Anyway, take your meds, you’re ranting nonsensically.Idiot! Most of the members of his own f***ing party had no reason to love him, and expressed no love for him, when he was elected.

Everything is so terrible and unfair.HahaYou gotta love leftist tears“Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated”, he said, because obviously if he didn’t know it then nobody knew it.”Or he could have been being sarcastic?“did you really not know that every single person in the Washington Establishment hates your guts and is going to sabotage and undermine and resist everything you do until they find an opportunity to stab you in the back? That's his ugly part.He calls people "stupid," "pathetic," "a low-IQ individual." Politics are not Stossels strong suit. Nah, America is stronger than Trump.Hear hearHow is trump sinking America?Trump has been sinking America into a level BELOW the gutter… Below whale dung, for that matter… For a LONG time now! “Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated”, he said, because obviously if he didn’t know it then nobody knew it. Lake Schatz of Credits adapted from Tidal. "He's like a 3-year-old!" Very bad.
He promised he'd "cut spending, big-league. Remember, he reported the call to his superior as disturbing and problematic and yada yada. You’re going to “report” to your superior based on that? I mean, are we forgetting how unpopular he was in his own party in the beginning? JavaScript is disabledYou need to enable JavaScript to use SoundCloud Maybe you just didn’t know about it because the goddam MSM didn’t care.

And Trump is likely to be reelected, according to the odds on my site

""You love him anyway?" He claimed our $500 billion trade deficit means the U.S. is “losing on trade with China.” But that’s absurd.“He’s telling people trade isn’t win-win; there’s a winner and a loser.” I complained to Davidson, adding, “I don’t think Trump understands trade.”Hey John,Your argument for the boundless benefits to Americans of enriching Slaver Xi with tariff free access to the US market fell off.Hugs and Kisses,I am making a good MONEY (500$ to 700$ / hr )online on my Ipad .Do not go to office.I do not claim to be others,I yoy will call yourself after doing this JOB,It’s a REAL job.Will be very lucky to refer to this….. I say it's because his administration sent a new message. Now He wants to go further, and charge Vidman with MADE-UP military crimes, to boot him out of the military! "We're supposed to outgrow that narcissism when we're an adult. NAZIs should have taught us “just following orders” doesn’t cut it!Personal obedience to the Dictator or else!“Are you seriously trying to argue that people that serve at the pleasure of the president can’t be fired for whatever reason?”So…yes?Yet you were eerily quiet when Obama fired plenty of Bush appointees.

He had a regular habit of hiring contractors, refusing to pay but offering half of what was agreed upon, then refusing to pay when they demanded the full amount. ALL of the rest as morons!To see how long this has been going on, see…You should commit suicide right away. But maybe that is a reflection of the lack of skills among voters.Sounds like an admission that he’s in over his head. Who knows though because stossel wont get into discussions that deviate from his narrative that he is now a Libertarian.As we know, most of unreason staff are not Libertarian.

do this internet-website onlineRobert Ringer (Can you get any more libertarian?) He also is actively facilitating the rebirth of the Russian empire. !”A mass culling of people just because they served under Obama?

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