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solar return 8th house

Guru reminds you to be open to the wisdom and teachings of others. May 2017 April 2021 Possibly a complete overhaul and recapturing of my power IF utilized? It doesn't matter if it is conjunct the natal Moon. The Seventh House in Astrology is known as the House of Partnership and Marriage You can see how you are designed for lasting love by looking. I don't quite understand how a solar return chart works. Work is, after all, the rent you pay for life. September 2016 Solar Return Moon in the 8th House Your emotional state depends heavily on the condition of the Moon by aspect. The stress along the 2nd-8th sounds very much related resources and ownership, what is yours vs. what belongs to others and things within that remit. 8th House in Astrology - South Florida Astrologer One of the main avenues for acquiring new information is through direct communication.. She also describes what it means for each planet to be in the Seventh House. December 2017 My father is very old, and although healthy, is showing sudden signs of deterioration. This house is the root or support system for the rest of the solar return chart. Health information is gathered through . intellectual sources and also from the body through wellness, sickness, and biological awareness. In my experience, The Solar Return Fourth House is very directly to do with all matters relating to the home and family as they are in the here and now. On occasion however, placements in the Solar Return Tenth House can be an indication of marriage, if thats where you are in your life. She mentioned the year 2019 in her OP, which I assume means that she is cognizant that this SR is for next year. July 2014 When will I MEET MY SOULMATE Astrology - Best Online Astrology! http://skyscript.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2517. Who you are, what youve got, youve got opinions, you know where youre from, what you like, how to look after yourself, how to relate and pay your way. You want to expand your life in some way, have new experiences, make improvements and you are prepared to take a risk and do something outside of your usual routine or sphere of experience in order to do so. Usually, the change directly affects shared resources, but sometimes the change also, The most notable mundane manifestation associated with this Neptune placement is confusion or uncertainty surrounding resources and finances. But I suppose my 2019-2020 year will be an intense one in a good way. Watch for the upcoming postsas soon as I can carve out the time . Moon in the 9th house of Solar May 2016 If you want to hear an eighth house story: the first time I had my solar return chart done professionally, it was a year when my SR AC was just a few degrees off my natal one, so all the house lined up. Your relationships and what other people value will have a profound impact on your life. These are two important areas for feedback on practical applications. These traits are often ancestral; the wound itself may even be ancestral. You may experience a pressing need to write or communicate and make new contacts and this may be for external, social reasons or as a result of internal, mental pressure. 8th House Stellium. Me, Too: The Day my Parents Killed the Pedophile, The Conflict Between Motherhood and CareerStill, Spiritually Eclectic and Pagan Blog Directory. March 2020 All significant one on one relationships are found here and for that reason it is often thought of in an almost exclusively romantic context. Astrology and a Stellium of Planets in the 8th House I feel the worst is over and it can only get better from here. Solar Returns: An Introduction is also available from Amazon.com, Scribd and other online bookstores, using this Universal Book Link (UBL). In this way, another aspect of the Solar Return Second House comes to the fore. When the Sun is in the 9th house, many higher and "not so high" beliefs need to be tested and worked with. The Solar Return Fifth House is also where we play and where the child in us comes to the fore. If you are having major relationship issues or problems with many people, look at your own behavior. Money close up! June 2022 The Solar Return Fourth House is where we look after things so its where we cook, clean and grow things (flowers, families, ourselves) and those matters may demand significant amounts of your time and energy if your Solar Return Chart points that way. February 2019 A profound interior evolution that changes you radically compared to your past or at least compared to your relationship with it; alternate phases concern the management of your money. That was ages ago though. November 2022 June 2016 Do You Love Yourself? I will listen to anything anyone has to say. June 2012 My birthday is coming up and if I'm correct, that makes a solar return chart more relevant. Planets in Solar Return So I understand. The phrase "acute awareness'' encapsulates the interpretation of Mercury in the 8th house of the solar return. October 2016 You can also work on financial matters that involve other people. Part of Fortune in 8th House - Jessica Davidson But it is also possible to realize the fulfillment of a strong belief in your own abilities. Most definitely a year of transformation but not in a bad way at alland thats after being at a nicely serene and happy place in my life the previous year. Venus in the 8th House - Forbidden Love and Hidden Feelings Or Just Not Care Enough? That won't always be on the exact day of your birth. Also Read, Example Case study chart - sun in the 7th of Solar return Chart. If its been brought to public attention in some way you will find it here. The Solar Return Tenth House begins at the apex of your chart and its where your achievements become visible. Planets in the Seventh House of Solar return chart show a reflection of who you are and you will attract someone that matches your self. You might travel to other . Venus in House Eight. Solar Returns: The Moon | Cafe Astrology .com Only time will tell. March 2018 I have heard dire warnings from astrologers to consider traveling just to make certain that my Solar Return Sun was either in the Seventh House of relationships and partnerships or in the Ninth House of education and travel. The natal + solar return with houses option is the one I would use. At times this position of the Moon can also suggest a period of sickness for a friend or a relative. Read here if you want to know. February 2012 I had an eclipse on my bday a few years backnot an 8th house year, though. The trick is to get the price right not too much and not too little. Ok, before I continue analyzing, lemme make sure I am actually doing it correctly Well it seems I was wrong. With bad aspects, troubles are likely, death in the family, among friends, as a result of which - depression, pessimism. I admit, Id been really dreading this past year for a long time now. I admit Im nervous about doing this again! Anytime one of the slower moving planets transit through the 8th house, we're experiencing that 8th house tension in a more significant way. Overall, the sex was fantasticbest ever! May 2020 Solar Return Charts are one of the best tools of Predictive Astrology we have at our disposal. October 2012 Some astrologers believe you can alter your chart for the year by making a birthday trip and others think that your chart reverts back to where you live most of the year and so a trip out of town just isnt worth it. Anyone who had Uranus in 8th house solar return - Lindaland The First House in an Astrological Chart has always been described as the face you show to the world. June 2020 This can indicate issues with friendships, shifts in allegiances, even alterations in your political outlook. Just a few things many leave out when talking about these: This stellium is not just about power and control but the fear of lacking them.The 8th House rules all things we perceive as out of our control, there's a reason those with this stellium seek as much power and influence as possible: They know what happens when one has no power. March 2017 Solar Returns: Donald Trump's Solar Return Chart 2020, Solar Returns: The Best Way To Interpret the Planets. August 2018 March 2015 Keep that in mind and analysing your chart becomes a lot easier. There is a transforming quality associated with Mars in the 8th, and much energy can be applied towards gaining insight into sexual, financial, and psychological matters. These reflect Second House possessions issues (on the opposite side of the chart) but were more about transforming my ideas on money. Approximately once every year the transiting Sun goes through the entire zodiac, every degree, minute, and second of each sign. Ive now updated this post to include a link to my post Planets in Solar Return Houses as the two posts give you the detail you need to start interpreting your own Solar Returns. The 8th house is also reckoned as the house of death. Placements in the Solar Return Eighth House are almost always feared because of their death and taxes associations but this house is not about fear its about change and how you deal with it. It is common to either find yourself being manipulated in one or more of these areas, or to attempt to manipulate another. November 2012 December 2015 August 2022 So, Im just a bit anxious about my upcoming SR this yr 2013. It is very common for financial arrangements to change during the year. The SUN in 9th House in yearly Solar Return Chart Id heard so many horrendous storiesthough in hindsight, they were mostly from amateur astrologers who knew just enough to assume the worst and then blather about it. It always got me to a higher level of being and to increased vitality and happiness. Solar Return and Lilith - narkive It is where you may feel the need to present your best self, or feel self conscious, self centred, self important or self controlled. The Part of Fortune in the houses shows the areas of life experience where you can find joy. And boy, will you let everyone know about it. June 2013 That would be all well and goodexcept that my husband has been battling terminal cancer for 2 years and it looks like it is becoming increasingly serious (metastases to the brain). They increase your ability to empower yourself. August 2020 As an 8th house person, I can never tire of reading deeper and deeper into the analysis! My birthdays coming up in just a few weeks, and you know what that means? Im really looking forward to your upcoming articles on the 8th house. The natal house that is brought to the Solar Return Ascendant should be given special consideration. The Solar Return Sixth House is where you work. Instead the small business partnership I have with my father went bankrupt and my income was cut in half. August 2014 November 2017 So with having your Solar Return Venus in the 1st house can mean that you may value how you look, you may tend to look really put together the majority of the year. Whatever house in which Venus appears, that house will be graced with an element of harmony and cooperation. The ghosts of the past can be exorcised in the Solar Return Twelfth House as this house is as the place you can let go. I would have had to travel out of the country to have made any difference with an Eighth House Sun, and it would have adversely affected a lovely stellium (a whole bunch) of planets in my Seventh House of relationships. As of a couple of weeks ago, Im now in another 8th house sun year, withlike youa whole bunch of planets in the 8th house. I am an amateur astrologist, but I think I know what this means. Psychological issues you have avoided for years may surface here and demand to be heard. Your capacity to analyze and your attention to detail will be greater. I was recovering from a heartbreak that happened about 6 wks before my bday, but the year itself was rather quiet. Since I have my natal sun in the the eighth, that meant my SR sun was also in the eighth. However, the face you present to the world is for the duration of one year only. If you have an emphasis on the 5th or the 8th house in your chart, you can probably relate to this. February 2016 December 2012 And read, write, walk, text, email, exchange gossip, exchange numbers and change your mind. March 2019 crisis make you grow up in this year. Interpreting Solar Returns: Predictions | Cafe Astrology .com One very important aspect of the Solar Return is to do with nurturing you may need to look after others or may discover you need to nurture yourself rather more than you have been in the past. November 2011 turns towards sexuality and your desire to have sex increases. January 2013 Put this way, you can see that the Solar Return Eighth House is where you meet a turning point in your life. Up front, I want to remind you of the basics the Planets in your Solar Return Chart tell you What will happen and the Solar Return Houses tell you Where. Unlike the Natal Chart however, Solar Return Seventh House placements are not really about your capacity to relate or your relationship needs. Sun, Mars, mercury, and Venus are all there, all inner planets, so this transformation must be very overt, I'm thinking? Birth . The 8th house solar return Sun is generally associated with disruption and change. In the Solar Return Tenth House you succeed or fail and the course of your life (in terms of your career or public status) is adjusted as a result. When it comes to astrological charts and their twelve life sectors, called "houses," the scariest piece of the pie is the Eighth House, followed closely by the mysterious Twelfth House. Did anyone had any experience with that. February 2013 Significant relationships will be lit up by the Solar Return Seventh House but they are just as likely to be business or professional or contractual in some way. The material gained during this year will be reorganized, internalized, and contemplated when the Sun moves into the 12th from the 3rd moves to a higher state of knowing in the 12th and assists in the emergence of wisdom. What happened? They regard the 8th house as the house of resurrections. You will both leave home and find new homes in the Solar Return Fourth House as this covers all things relating to your living and domestic situation and that includes people living in your home and its state of repair or decor. Sitting in the cemetery at sunset, 8 months into a year with Solar Return Sun in the dreaded Eighth House; Photo copyright by Aislinn Bailey, AisPortraits, Niceville, Florida. Thanks for letting me know that good changes can happen with an 8th House Solar Sun. - The beliefs which p, In order to fully understand the cycle of the Sun in the solar return houses, it will be necessary to follow the Sun's yearly path, which is clockwise, and usually moves through three houses. And I have had 4 offers .. all from men who are married. Solar Return 8th House Please Help! | Astrologers' Community July 2015 Its where we play games but beware, children and games can often be cruel. The next four years can be dependent on what is established here in the 4th. How have you been living your eleventh house sun? Answers to pressing questions will not come from others; answers lie within. The ashrams, temples and bars you visit on your quest for spiritual enlightenment are also found here. I did write a lot that year though. Instead, Ill take mini-retirements and have fun along the way instead of deferring life to when Im oldest. A more remote possibility would be an event that involves you or a loved one having to face physical death or a life-threatening illness. though others might try to persuade you otherwise. Solar Return Ascendant in the natal houses - ethereal scorpio The notion of self is a key concept in analysing the Solar Return First House. It includes any belief or misconception that guides or misguides one's life. It sounds like you have your SR houses lined up more or less with your natal houses. Your decisions during the year will be value driven depending on the planetary placements within the Solar Return Second House. For Solar Return - the most promising aspects for meeting soulmate or someone "special" are these (you should have 2 or more! A more positive interpretation of the 8th house energy for my solar year is immense transformation born possibly from pain. February 2023 August 2017 The Solar Return Eleventh House is not about you and them because you are one of them. February 2020 This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. May 2015 Sex I really dont know what to say about this one. Indeed. Over time, however, this knee-jerk fear gives way to deep respect. Your mind is very active, and you will want to read everything, know everything, and think about everything. September 2017 Solar Return Ascendant Virgo : Your mental or intellectual activity Julia, will increase considerably this year. Not to mention step-children, profits and personal aspirations. PLANETS IN THE HOUSES OF SOLAR - Daily Astrologist How does it align with your natal chart? I will also have solar return uranus in opposition to solar return jupiter in 2nd house. You wish to earn more but you may risk making the wrong move (like asking for a loan that is more than you can afford to repay). The Eleventh house can seem a bit of a hotchpotch. What makes an Eighth House Solar Return Sun so terrifying? February 2014 If youd like to check my Solar chart, my Natal data is: June 7, 1951, Burbank, CA 9:50 am PDT. Personally, I only interpret SR charts if I see them with the natal chart. Sign of the month Astro Psychology Karmic Astrology Active Astrology Love Compatibility Relationship Chart Composite Chart Your Rising Sign Your Birth Chart Your Transit Chart Daily Forecast Yearly Forecast Relationship Forecast October 2022 Sample: Planets in Solar Return Report | Cafe Astrology .com How do you interpret aspects in a solar return chart, and is part of the analysis of a solar return chart comparing it to the natal chart? October 2011 September 2014 Caring for others, visiting those in hospitals or even jail time is often found in the twelfth house getting away from it all is not necessarily a voluntary exercise. The Solar Return Second House is also where you develop your personal skills by managing what you have more efficiently as you learn to budget and prioritise.

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