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who poisoned henriette in versailles show

Marchal commands to clear the room, Louis adds: Not you, Montcourt. and the doors are sealed: no one enters. A goodbye to 'Versailles,' TV's best show you probably never watched PERFECT. I am really liking Sophies growth as a character, who is, of course, beautiful, but with attitude and a strong backbone, as we are now seeing. Is it any wonder she couldnt work up any concern over the possibility that her rapist might die in battle? Her husband is openly gay and has no problem flaunting it in the public. The state is a person. And here is where Im a bit uncertain, but didnt she make that remark after Philippe raped her? Art. This really shows he is vulnerable. But, this is my interpretation or thoughts based on the real life events. Not only did they grow up together but they were first cousins and Louis was a devout Catholic. Henriette wanted to go!). And Louis is still on a roll, caught up in his speech about grandeur and nobility and the endurance of a legacy: .the song we sing here, brother, I mean it to be played forever. And suddenly, as he stares at Philippe, his face alight with the emotion of a true believer, the cries of Henriette are heard. He was named Louis Dieudonn (Louis the God-given) and bore the traditional title of French heirs apparent: Dauphin . Louis turns in slow-mo, the expression on his face revealing nothing. Such was the hygiene of 17th century France. Jacques 10 episodes, 2015 . Off they stride with purpose and a couple of guards, through the gorgeous corridors (shot in the gorgeous Vaux Le Vicomte) and with ominous background music to set the mood. I knew hed say that line! Yet another possibility is that she had a duodenal ulcer which burst, leading to peritonitis. Ah, but not so devout that Louis followed all the teachings. Such a beautiful moment, with Philippe building on their complex relationship, reminding Louis of a more simplistic time. What if the poison spreads? She rises and silently leaves, then more people walk in to pay their respects the Chevalier included. The sudden onset of Henriettes illness, the severe pain and the short time between the onset of her symptoms and her death suggested to her contemporaries that she had been poisoned. But gossip is gossip and it was particularly rife and vicious in those days. However, Madeleine de Foix, Gaston's mother, defends her son at the salon, but when facing banishment, she stabs Fabien, almost killing him. *Another side-note: When the Chavelier mentions that Louis does not look for beauty so much as character, umwas he talking about Henriette? Hi, When we are the kings enemy, we must make him believe we are his friend. I do. But Louis, he just wanted her close, and so married her to his brother. It is Louis who victimises Philippe and he does it in every way he can think of. Charming. Yes. Now this is fascinating. Would you villify a slave because he hated his master or ran away simply because slavery was accepted at that time and slaves (much like women, little difference there) were considered nothing more than the property of their masters to do with as they please (again, just as a woman was to her husband)? Next time we see the painting in Ep 6 it has been moved to Henriettes room on her dressing table. It is not clear in the show. And the next shot is Louis in slow-mo, walking out. Hi Jules, I must thank you for your detailed writeup of all ten episodes of Versailles. First to Henriette, and after she was poisoned, to Elizabeth Charlotte, Princess of the Palatinate. A letter from the King of Sweden has arrived, telling Louis he has agreed to break his alliance with the Dutch and support the French. I was never a fan of the character of Henriette, I just cant see how she wronged Philippe more than he did her. Then Philippe walks out, still dressed in his nightshirt and robe, barefoot. Ill tell you, though, that, like you, I totally adore Philippe in this series, the actor is great and some King/brother interaction is well done. You couldnt guarantee any would survive. Monsieur de Reynaud is poisoned by an unknown entity. Louis is calm but angry: then you set yourself against me. Philippe pauses, looks incredibly sad for a moment, then briefly nods. The writers could have written a scenario where Henriette willingly sleeps with Phillipe to make Louis jealous and to provide in an explanation in the event she becomes pregnant. ? And Montespan was married too, so in the eyes of the church that was double adultery. Nice one, Montcourt. But Sophie declares she has no life: what her mother told her was a lie. Okay, is Louvois just being a dick? You died of a cold, or a simple infection or someone sneezing on you. I came across your reviews and I read each one after viewing an episode. To affect the hearts and minds of people. Well, my thought is Philippe angrily claiming his conjugal rights may well have happened before. The advice you took came from only one source. the door opens, and Montespan enters. But for that one unforgivable act, I could have felt real sympathy for that walking, talking mess of dysfunction. Your email address will not be published. She is later arrested as the poisoner as her son is released, but ridiculed from court. I COMMAND YOU! and the guards step back. I guess in summary, I saw more nuance and non-verbal cues with Philippe that made him a more sympathetic character. Versailles (TV Series 2015-2018) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb Claudine and Philippe converse, with Claudine saying she feels they are not through the worst. The camera pans up to show the Queen on her knees in prayer, then a select few further back (I see Colbert, Louvois, Montespan, Sophie, Cassel). (Same with the Chevalier and his jealousy of Philippes wives. Henriette portrayed by Pierre Mignard, 17th century, Henriette, Duchesse d'Orlans, the sister-in-law of Louis XIV, took a drink of her usual chicory water and immediately clutched her side, crying out in pain. My greatest issue with Henriette is that she seems to lack any personality. She brought honour on herself and glory to our court. They fear she might have been poisoned, so King Louis XIV shuts all access To Versailles. Then Montcourt, the sly little worm, implies that Marchal will cop shit if Henriette dies and no culprit is found, and that Marchals judgement is lacking due to the whole de Clermont thing. Husbands have being raping their wives since time began from royalty down to peasants and it was classed as taking their marital rights . Rohan slits the other guards throat, watches from a distance as the young prince has a sack put over his head then bundled off. (For the record, I am speaking strictly of the characters in this drama, not the historical characters). A side-note: On Sophie. His belief was shared by Elizabeth-Charlotte, Philippes second wife, who named the culprits as Lorraine and the Marquis dEffiat, an equerry, who had acted without Philippes knowledge. Bontemps suddenly appears; Henriette has been calling. No one enters. LOUIS. Bontemps moves her along. We begged you. What about the angels? he asks, after Montcourt nervously says hes been praying for Henriette. Louis strolls over to the fireplace and picks up a poker, calmly summarising whats happened on his roads, his people dying, attempts on his own life, and now his beloved Henriette. Montcourt tried to tell me the same. Exactly. And poor Philippe, who is distraught about his wife, its just another snub for him, isnt it? Philippe: my brother always trusted you. Claudine: I am honoured. Philippe whispers: I dont believe I know what it feels like. .. Emo Philippe, so dark and tortured! He is beyond selfish and his cruel behaviour is at the root of all of their misery. However, the court (and her brother, Charles II) was told she died of natural causes so he could hardly behead anyone for murder after that. So Louis settles into sleep. Hold onto this moment, I told you. The wedge is firmly being driven between Philippe and Louis, all their arguments and conflict and opposition for each other has been carefully constructed and built up over the last nine episodes, into this final one. Next morning and Louis opens the shutters on a sleeping Montespan (aside here: Louis has a habit of walking in on people sleeping or in a state of undress. No one leaves. Philippe has been by her side throughout this. There was an attempt on her life before. So that would perhaps put affair-with-sister-in-law a half tick closer to pardonable than homosexuality, which is wholly and completely condemned in the bible. However there is a new addition, a large portrait of Louis now hanging on wall near the door (replacing a previous smaller ND painting of flowers). OMG he hits Marchal across the face with the candlestick, Louis lunges, Montcourt throws him off and the King smacks his head on a table. but it would cause her too much pain. Louis persists. Louis pauses, shocked, Marchal grabs his belly, echoing that look, and Im all NOOOOOO! Speculation that Henriette had been poisoned began straight away. Versailles / Characters - TV Tropes Thank you all! Point 4: This point actually supports my own. Versailles (TV Series 2015-2018) - Frequently Asked Questions - IMDb Henriette is Philippes wife, his property, his to do with as he wishes. Henrietta was born on 16 June 1644, on the eve of the Second Battle of Newbury during the Civil War, at Bedford House in Exeter, a seat of William Russell, 5th Earl of Bedford, who had recently returned to the Royalist side. The Kings son. I know historically Philippe did leave Versailles for a time, but season two Louis without Philippe will be interesting because while Louis takes shots at him every chance he gets, at the end of the day Philippe is the only true person around him besides Bontemps. She also miscarries a baby that was either her husband Philippe's or the King's, no one is sure. We cut to the forest, to the two Kings Guards in their blue livery, leaning by a tree as Rohan and little Louis still mock fight. UGH. Gaston de Foix was arrested and tortured as the potential poisoner by Fabien. While your character and scene analyses tend to differ quite a bit from my own (perhaps because of that?? Really enjoyed reading your reviews, which I found halfway the show. King Louis XIV (George Blagden, left) and Henriette (Nomie Schmidt) arrive at "Versailles" in the Ovation series. NOT AT ALL acceptable in the eyes of pretty much everyone. Both of them were in love with other people when they were forced to marry and they both were aware of that. So to me, this indicates hes still quite scared. Thank you! However, I do have a comment to make about your previous post that you believed that Louis loved Henriette, however I dont completely agree with you on this one. Thank you, Amy! I am sobbing. forgot to add the bit about similar shows. And it is on. The sad irony here is, I do think Louis cares very much for Philippe but he cannot let his armour of paranoia down enough to recognise Philippes loyalty and the fact that he can trust his brother. I thought so but no. But his treatment of her does make me think, rather than an actual person, the writers have quite subtly used her as a tool: she is the only person Philippe can take his frustrations out on he knows she loves Louis, and at that point Louis is still very much in love with her Philippe knows this, and punishes Louis the only way he can, but punishing his mistress. They take her hands. We were taking the air with our governess when we made a break for freedom. In Paris, says Colbert. They exchange silent looks for a moment, then Philippe says quietly, Do you remember our fort?. Is he for or against le roi? Its my weekly sin, I confess, Im too addicted to this period to miss it. He is clearly upset. Lord. It is so reflective of the dilemma she has created for herself. The rape thing was upsetting. I just wanna smash his smug ferret face. I first read your reviews right after watching the entire series and then again after recently rewatching all 30 ep again. He was brought up and ruled as absolute monarch, and believed for the good of France. In the show Philippe tries time and again to offer his support and love, but is constantly betrayed or rejected (this happened with the historical figures, too. Seriously, he could have married her to any noble and they would have looked the other way at the cheating. A European history-geek friend told me about this show yesterday, so I binge watched the entire series. Henriette screams and they both surge to the door then suddenly stop. Another suggestion is that she had porphyria, although she displayed none of its symptoms. Montcourt denies it: No, Sire. Louvois and Marchal agree. She is simply besotted with Louis, so in love, that shed do anything he told her to. I just discovered Versailles this week and watched it in quick succession!!! And who can blame her? You went north, I went south and she went west and by the time they righted themselves we found our way down by the mill stream. The Angelique series of movies from the 60s are highly camp, and put Philippe in a terrible light, but they are funny. At the time of her death, it was widely believed that Henrietta had been poisoned and the prime suspects were her husband, Philippe and/or his lover, the Chevalier de Lorraine. hes a critic, but there is another who has been hidden before us. Back to Henriette, who is now laid out on a bed, hair done, powdered and dressed in her finest gown. Henriette and Philippe | Versailles Wiki | Fandom That is exactly what I would be thinking. He advances on Montcourt, who is looking a little shell shocked. Quite a few. Okay, Im gonna walk you through what I see, so bear with me. Hi Janet! Montcourt to Marchal: You are a fool. Louis replies: And you are a MURDERER! Montcourt continues with the wrong man thing, but Louis will have none of it. Its emotionless. Rohan is the Masked Man! *That should have read historical figures not historical characters! Oh, Louis most definitely would choose France over his brother. He had mistresses, for example. I am a friend. Why is this so? She stays. Philippe: And so do I.. Colbert: You believe her highness is poisoned? Marchal replies cryptically: I believe. Cassel leaves, then Montcourt walks away in the direction of Rohan who is discussing the Dauphins outing with a guard. Louis smacks it away with the poker, Marchal steps in, Montcourt grabs a candlestick. Philippe loves and is loyal to his brother and only wants Louis to allow him to support him. Pale and in obvious distress, she was put to bed, but her pains were so severe that she believed she must have been poisoned and asked for an antidote. She was merely being used by the man she was in love with. Henriette says a glorious death in battle would not displease him. Claudine looks sad: this must be frightening for her. Marchal is surprised but pleased: attracting the flies to the paper. You are both the angels at my shoulder, says Louis, which reminds Marchal of the Parthenays and Montcourt. UHGGH. Philippe and Henriette are quite possibly the two people Louis loves most, and yet he uses and hurts them both repeatedly to get what he wants and because he is paranoid about his brother. Romantic wouldnt work, but she could become a protge of his. I cannot even imagine his reasoning for this, however I do know historically, Henriette desperately did want to be Queen of France, as did her mother want it, but at the time, she didnt have the pedigree, being the sister to Englands heir who wasnt even on the throne at the time. But of course, she has no power to rid herself of him, so his death would be her only chance. I just rot an extremely long omment Check back soon for my overview and wrap up of the entire season. Women were not allowed to practice medicine at that time and her father clearly disapproves, particularly as she grows more skilled and knowledgable than him. Philippe was the one in strident dissent! Henriette of England died in Saint-Cloud, not in Versailles. Louis paranoia about his little brother is completely unfounded. And Louis, who is being so totally duped, is convinced by Rohan to take his son, the Dauphin, out to ride, so he is far away from the cries of pain. I was highly frustrated with the artistic liberties the authors took, and some just pretty much made up shit, totally contrary to history . Much kudos to Nomie Schmidt for a brilliantly sad scene, aided by the backing music and the strength and emotion of George Blagden and Alex Vlahos. These scenes are odd for me to watch, but by now, I have totally put aside any frustration when the show deviates from what I know of the actual history. NOOOOOOO. It is so interesting to watch, given a discussion I had on Twitter earlier with some fellow fans. In the early hours of 30 June, she died. Guilt often manifests itself in an outward show of rage. As Mme de Svign wrote: She was taken ill and died within eight hours, and we have lost with her all the joy, all the charm and all the pleasures of the Court. For the record, I dont think Henriette would actually like to see Philippe die, but she would like to be shot of him. After reading your review on epsiode 10, and reading that it ends with Philippe leaving Versailles, I thought back to epsiode one and the moment he finds Louis at his favorite spot in the woods. Also, his relationship with his brother was much less complicated than we see in this show, Philippe was a very simple person when it came to feelings, he was affectionate and friendly. And I see all the little things that Henriette says, her little gestures and actions that bring conflict and sadness to Philippe. This is who they truly are in this one moment of grief. He is genuinely happy to see the Chevalier and shows it. Jules! Versailles recap: episode eight - from la petite mort to une grande The fact that she doesnt particularly want to anyway (to say no, that is) is because she is deeply in love with Louis and always has been and because her husband makes zero effort to endear himself to her. FOCUS. You have never been a man whos true. Much later, the courtier Saint-Simon offered his own thoughts. Does Henriette mind being used by Louis? ! Louis is stunned: Why are you casting all this rage at me? Philippe: Because you deserve it. I like the show, the actors and the plot. Even if Louis were to let her go, she would then be relinquishing the love of her life to sit lonely and chaste in her apartments waiting for her husband, a man who feels no attraction or interest for her at all. and Nine. Henriette 12 episodes, 2015-2017 Anatole Taubman . At a Mass said for her soul, Bishop Bossuet conveyed the sense of shock at her sudden death: Oh, disastrous night; oh, dreadful night, in which resounded like a clap of thunder the unbelievable words Madame is dying Madame is dead!. According to the Savoyard ambassador, the king vowed that, if Henriette had indeed been poisoned, those involved would be tortured to death, including the chevalier de Lorraine, Philippes favourite, if he were implicated. And just like that, the light dims in his eyes, his face twists and his zealotry is gone. Your closest confidants told you to look elsewhere! Fashion. Neither of them showed much interest or affection for the other, both clearly preferring their lovers. If Id been in her shoes, I think Id have given a flat affirmative. I certainly cant say for certain what the writers intent was with that scene, but in this writers opinion it is multilayered a) to show Philippes slow growing resentment towards his brother: he says I want a boy, just like my brother. A hundred years ago. However, the bible does say something about a man being expected to marry his brothers widow. We could never invade the entire world but the world can imagine us as their centre. Seems likely in the show (historically, this is not so the case at all). Henriette mentions the issues she has with the Chevalier. (since you mention here she is his love). Is he justified in his behaviour towards her? But not at the hands of Henriette, who really had little power in the situation. Marchal is still ordering: Get his Majesty to safety, at once! His guards rush in to remove him, they scuffle and Louis yells: get your hands off me! She is subject to the whims and wishes of her king and lover, of her husband and even of her husbands lover. It ended up working even better than planned and within a very short amount of time, Louis fell for Louise de la Valliere who was originally meant to be a decoy but became his first official royal mistress. Do you even think hed allow her to end things? Because the whole world gave you counsel. I could never love you morewell. And Philippe replies gently: You did the best you could. Tears now from Henriette: how handsome you both are. And now we are in the last throes of her last moments it hurts and she cannot breathe, they move the pillow. Hi, We establish right from the start that she has no powershe was forced to marry a man she did not want because the king wants to keep her close. Id be happy with either, tbh! Philippe is no more vulnerable to the hurt and damage done to him than she is to the hurt and damage done to her, simply because he is a man with rights and she is a woman with no rights. Now we are with Marchal, who is interrogating Henriettes ladies, Sophie included. Whew! Dear Anne, Im guessing I know a fair bit more about rape, the history of rape, the history of rape within marriage and womens rights (and lack thereof) than you realise. Louis reels off a list of people who were with Henriette on her journey, people that must be interrogated.

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